5 results
 Pacific Data Hub

No accurate data are available on the Solomon Islands wind energy potential. Wind monitoring information can be sourced from:

 Pacific Data Hub

Wholesale & retail prices for petroleum products in the Solomon Islands, including diesel, kerosene, gasoline & LPG. Prices are given in Solomon Islands Cents Per Litre for the fuel, and the gas is provided in Solomon Islands Cents Per Kg. Wholesale prices for diesel, kerosene and petrol were taken directly from 2 oil companies monthly submissions. Dataset provided by the Consumer Affairs & Price Control Division. Data is available for the years 2014 (only September to December) and whole of 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures a breakdown of the Solomon Islands health facility location in the 10 provinces. Health facilities are classified into 4 types: hospitals, area health centre, rural health centre and nurse aid posts. Data was obtained out of a study done in August 2015. Number of official hospitals is 327, 40 have been closed. The data on the level of electrification of this health facilities is still pending, will be updated soon. Data was provided by the Ministry of Health, Infrastructure Advisor Mr Michael Green.

 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures electrification level of schools in the Solomon Islands as of 2015. Data provided by the Ministry of Education via Mr Mike Haukaria. Dataset is captured in excel format providing the following information:

  • List of primary and secondary schools
  • Schools that has access to power
  • Schools that have no access to power
 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith Solomon Island Electricity Authority (SIEA) trading as Solomon Power Tarriffs  adjustments from 2017 - 2018. The Tarriff Charges are in accordance with The Electricity Act (Cap 128) and The Electricity Tarriff Regulation 2016.