3766 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Illustrate the current state of marine habitats on the Pacific - mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrasses
Economic value, ecosystems services, social and cultural value of these habitats to Pacific Island people
Ongoing efforts to address multiple threats and stresses on these habitats including climate change - community level national and regional level

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 1:04:28

 Conservation Biology

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a primary tool for the stewardship, conservation, and restoration
of marine ecosystems, yet 69% of global MPAs are only partially protected (i.e., are open to some form of fishing).
Although fully protected areas have well-documented outcomes, including increased fish diversity and biomass,
the effectiveness of partially protected areas is contested. Partially protected areas may provide benefits in some
contexts and may be warranted for social reasons, yet social outcomes often depend on MPAs achieving their


9Due to its paleogeographic and ecological background, the Medi-terranean Sea hosts a relatively high diversity and endemism of marine species and habitats. In relation to human occupation of the Mediterranean coasts over thousands of years, these unique species and habitats are increasingly under threat from human activities, and in particular at the present time from fishing practices, unsustainable tourism, coastal development, pollution and the exacerbating effects of climate change.