12309 results
 Climate Change Directorate

This dataset provides a direct internet link to RMI data hosted on the GBIF records.

 Climate Change Directorate

Coastal Risk Assessment for Ebeye, 2017. Technical Report.

 Climate Change Directorate

Protected areas of the Marshall Islands.
Data sourced from: IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2018), The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) [On-line], [July 2018]. Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net.

 Climate Change Directorate

Historical rainfall data from the Climate Change Knowledge Portal, World Bank Group
(Website: http://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=downscaled_dat…)

 Climate Change Directorate

Rural and urban population 1990 - 2017, FAOSTAT (website: http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#country/127)

 Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission

Study on Bikini Atoll coral biodiversity resilience five decades after nuclear testing.
* List of 28 missing coral species (data of study in 2008 compared to data Wells 1954)
* List of total coral species in 1954 and 2008

 Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission

Data resources related to nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands.

 Climate Change Directorate

The data is extracted from JICA work in Majuro.
Pictures were provided by SPREP

 Climate Change Directorate

These national reports are RMI obligation to the UNCBD

 Marshall Islands Economic Policy,  Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO)

Consumer Price Index 1st and 2nd quarters 2018 report.


 Marshall Islands Economic Policy,  Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO)

Biodiversity strategy 2000

 Marshall Islands Economic Policy,  Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO)

Annual Report published by Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office. The baseline of the statistical yearbook started from 2015 to 2017.

 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

Rainfall historical data

 Climate Change Directorate

Regional data on marine pollution. Observe pollution events.

 Climate Change Directorate

This dataset contains the strategy and action plan (2016 - 2021) for national invasive species of the Marshall Islands

 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

Information regarding species only found in RMI and are a particular concern due to their limited geographic range

 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

A technical report of the RMI Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project focusing on water resource management in the atoll of Majuro

 Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission

resources regarding nuclear radioactive waste and the Runit Island's Dome in Enewetak Atoll

 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

The accompanying report presents a complete flora of Majuro Atoll. It provides a convenient checklist for scientists, students, visitors and the general public.

 Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission

brief overview report published in 2004 on the radioactive fallout and contamination on the Bikini atoll from the nuclear test program