Homeowner handbook to prepare for natural disaster so that risks to families and properties may be reduced.
A report on the coral bleaching event ever recorded for the Marshall Islands that occurred since about mid-September, 2014
The approved RMI national sanitation policy in 2014 and its proposed action plan
Data herein were extracted from different sources that recorded RMI carbon emission 1. carbon emission year 2000 & 2009
a recorded consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
a presentation on the lessons learned from the Port of Majuro Master Plan
a timeline of events relating to the human impacts of the nuclear tests : relocation and resettlement
over the years from 1946- 1990.
Regional framework to assess the regional monitoring indicators that measure the status of managed conservation areas set aside under the Micronesia Challenge. The tool allows you to see the monitoring progress and learn more about the monitoring data collected across the region.
Data herein has been reflected in the RMI State of Environment Report 2016 relating to the land cover of RMI.
an academic study that provides a broader perspective for interpreting how humans and apex predators influence ecological stability across (RMI) coral reef ecosystems.
A report that focuses on the proposed structure for the regulatory regime on biosafety in the RMI
harvesting fresh water using minimal urban technologies in Ailuk
Jaluit have unique wetland ecosystems which support various species. This dataset contains data pertaining to threatened species within and around the sites
a record of typhoon occurrences in RMI from the 1970s - 1990s.
This human health risk assessment report was publicly released in 2014, and it was aimed to discern whether the observed contamination in fish tissue is specific to Kwajalein Harbor or is part of a wider contamination problem in the RMI .
brief summary of data pertaining to the water quality monitoring for bacteria in selected 18 sites in Nov 2014
Report based on an underwater surveys conducted in Namu atoll relating to the status of its marine resources.
A preliminary review of the results from the underwater survey in the Majuro atoll in 2004
raw data on the status of military influence on different atolls
This document presents RMI's National Plan for the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The Republic of the Marshall Islands became a Party to the Convention on 27 January 2003 and the Convention entered into force globally on 17 May, 2004.