The human drama of climate change will largely be played out in Asia, where over 60 per cent of the world's population, around four billion people, live. Over half of those live near the coast, making them directly vulnerable to sea-level rise. Disruption to the region's water cycle caused by climate change also threatens the security and productivity of the food systems upon which they depend. In acknowledgement, both of the key meetings in 2007 and 2008 to secure a global climate agreement will be in Asia.
Available electronically
The self-governing territory of the Cook Islands consists of 15 islands and atolls that are spread over 2 million square kilometres of the South Pacific Ocean.
The islands are geographically divided into two groups, commonly referred to as the Northern and Southern Group islands. The two groups of islands making up the country exhibit marked differences in their social, cultural and economic activities. The Northern Group islands remain relatively isolated from
the Southern Group islands.
There is growing scientific and public awareness of the widespread depletion of marine habitat-forming species, such as mangroves, seagrasses, oysters, and corals [e.g., 1,2,3]. This loss inevitably leads to the decline of the plants and animals that live in the biogenic structures created by such foundation species, and contributes to the overall degradation of marine ecosystems [4]. For example, the reduction of coral cover on tropical coral reefs directly and rapidly causes a decline in the abundance and diversity of reef fish through the loss of structural heterogeneity [5,6].
The purpose of the National Invasive Species Strategy is to minimize the harmful effects of invasive species on the environment and society of Palau through coordination of efforts at all levels of Palauan society, and to facilitate cooperation with neighboring countries and the Pacific Islands region to prevent the movement of invasive species.
Available online|Adopted by the National Environmental Protected Council
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 34 p.
The Government of the Cook Islands requested assistance from the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, to conduct a survey of invasive
plant species of environmental concern, similar to surveys previously conducted in Micronesia, American Samoa, Nine, Samoa and Tonga. The survey was carried out from 11 March through
This is a continuation of the survey of islands in Micronesia and American Samoa for invasive plant species requested by the Pacific Islands Committee, Council of Western State Foresters. A
survey of other Micronesian islands was conducted in 1998 and was discussed in a previous report". This report is based on a survey of several islands of Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, from 30 March to 4 April 2000. The objectives, as with the previous survey, were three-fold: (1) To identify plant species on the islands that are presently causing problems to
As requested by the Pacific Islands Committee, Council of Western State Foresters, we conducted a survey of selected Micronesian islands for invasive plant species. The objectives were three-fold: (1) To identify species on the islands that are presently causing problems: (2) to identify species that,
On January 6, 2004, the full force of Cyclone Heta, a category 5 cyclone, hit the island of Niue. In addition to the loss of life and property, serious damage was done to the forests and
other ecosystems of the island, particularly on the north and west sides. If not blown over, most trees and other large vegetation were stripped of leaves and branches and subjected to
The Republic of Palau requested assistance from the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, to conduct a survey of invasive plant species of environmental concern. A less comprehensive survey was conducted as part of a general survey of the major Micronesian islands in 19982. Similar surveys have been conducted in American
The objectives of the survey were to: (1) identify plant species presently causing problems to natural and semi-natural ecosystems; (2) identify species that, even though they are not
presently a major problem, could spread more widely or are known to be problem species elsewhere; (3) confirm the absence of species that are a problem elsewhere and, if introduced
to Samoa, could be a threat there; and (4) make appropriate recommendations.
Available online
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 80 p. ; 29 cm
The Kingdom of Tonga requested assistance from the US Department of Agriculture. Forest Service,Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, to conduct a survey of invasive plant species of
environmental concern, similar to surveys previously conducted in Micronesia. American Samoa and Niue. The survey was carried out from 5-20 July 2001. The islands of Tongatapu. Eua,
Tonga has made "good and steady progress" towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as reported in Tonga 1st National Status Report: Millennium Development Goals Today and Tomorrow and summarised .
The Asia and the Pacific region is comprised of 43 countries and a number of territories, and is, for the purposes of this report, divided into six sub-regions. It is endowed with a rich diversity of natural, social and economic resources. The length
of its coastline is two-thirds of the global total, and it has the world's largest mountain chain. The region includes some of the poorest nations in the world, several highly advanced economies, and a number of rapidly growing ones, notably China and India. From 1987 to 2007, the population increased from
This Summary document has been produced as a means to relay key national issues/messages regarding sustainable development to:| Assist in ensuring national based messages are conveyed in the regional assessment document and deliberations for WSSD at the regional and international level;| Provide the stimulus for countries to finalise their National Assessment Reports (NARs)
Available online
Call Number: VF 8341 [EL]
Physical Description: 28 p.
This report briefly summarises the opening ceremony for the new Lateu settlement in the Torba Province, Vanuatu. It is part of the Capacity Building for the Development of Adaptation in
Pacific Island Countries project (CBDAMPIC) funded by the CIDA and executed in the Pacific region by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). Proceedings
This report serves as to create an overview of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) progress and activities in the Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The overview is to form part of a submission by the GWP (Global Water Partnership) Secretariat at the forthcoming;
"(i) donor meeting to mobilise and seek support for IWRM in February, 2004, and the
(ii) CSD conference in New York, March, 2004".
Available online
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 37 p.
The nine Pacific Island countries (PICs)1 covered in this regional strategy face similar development challenges today despite notable differences in history, culture, and endowments.
The lack of economic growth in the face of growing populations has contributed to rising unemployment and hardship in the region. Even those countries that have seen positive growth in
Pacific island countries are particularly vulnerable to the effects of invasive species. After habitat destruction or modification, invasive species are responsible for more species extinctions than any other cause. Further, the rate of extinction of native species has been higher oil islands than
anywhere else in the world. Invasive species have also degraded native ecosystems.
Available online|Draft written by delegates to the Regional Invasive Species Workshop, Nadi, Fiji 1999. Final approved by SPREP member countries, Majuro, Sept 2000
The Pacific Regional Framework comprising this Background Note. Model Law and Explanatory Memorandum, has been developed to assist Pacific Island countries and territories wishing to legally protect its Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of Culture. The framework is developed in response to calls from the region, in the face of increasing exploitation and inappropriate commercialization of their traditional knowledge and expressions of culture.
Available online
Call Number: [EL]
ISBN/ISSN: 982-203-933-6