Pacific Island communities are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters ranging from tropical cyclones, drought, floods, storm surges and tsunamis. Each year, these events result in significant loss of life, the destruction of homes, public infrastructure and livelihoods and the reversal of hard-won economic gains. Recently, deadly tsunami and earthquake events in the Indian Ocean region have focused the attention of the world community, particularly those living in small islands and coastal regions, to the need for greater vigilance in disaster prevention and preparedness.
Declining bird populations signal disturbing global changes.
Almost 1,200 speciesabout 12 percent of the world's
9800 bird speciesmay face extinction within the next cen-
tury. Although many face multiple threats and some bird
extinctions seem imminent, many can be avoided by a deep
commitment to bird conservation as part of a sustainable
development strategy.
full text available on ecopy "FL" field
Call Number: VF 6519,VF 3581,[EL]
ISBN/ISSN: 1-878071-68-8
The objective of this study is to provide decision makers in the European Commission and other partner countries with sufficient information to identify European Commission cooperation activities with specific environmental objectives and to establish environmental safeguards for other activities.
5 copies
Call Number: 333.7'9595 MOU,[EL]
Physical Description: 74 pages; 29 cm
Of the many stakeholders and actors in Fiji, those that might be identified as key will vary depending on the issue involved and the circumstances surrounding it. Those discussed in this study have been identified because of their importance in relation to the major issues of current concern.
Call Number: VF 6518 (EL)
Physical Description: 80 p. ; 29 cm
This paper seeks to explain the social and cultural characteristics of Samoa and to outline the ways in which they affect the course of Samoa's national development. It appears as a companion to the paper on Tonga in the series the two papers were prepared using a common conceptual framework, and readers interested in the contrasts between the two countries may wish
to read both papers.
A report of the World Bank
Call Number: VF 3308 (EL)
Physical Description: 59 p. ; 29 cm
The primary resources for tins project were the statutes of Fiji. Several dozen enacted laws govern the allocation and disposition of resources, or access to and use of the environment. Together, this legislation provides the framework for natural resources and environmental decision making. Three other relevant statutes exist in draft form. Much of the effort of this project was devoted to reviewing this legislation, to identify both its policy intention and substantive provisions. Governmental administrators were also approached to clarify
The International Waters Project (IWP) aims to strengthen the management and conservation of marine, coastal and freshwater resources in the Pacific Islands region. It is financed through
the International Waters Programme of the Global Environment Facility, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, and executed by the Secretariat of the Pacific
Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), in conjunction with the governments of the 14 participating independent Pacific Island countries.
There is no shortage of provisions relating to waste management issues in the current laws of Kiribati. While it may be useful to consider the opportunities for recognising the role of the community in waste management under the laws of Kiribati, there would appear to be only limited scope for effective legislative action in this regard. The role of Local Government Councils is clear and this is effectively provided for the in the Local Government Act 1984.
The International Waters Programme is implementing the Strategic Action Plan for the countries of the South Pacific. Activities in Kiribati under the IWP are focused on waste management issues and the effects that waste disposal has on water supply and coastal waters. Pilot projects, particularly involving the
Bikenibeu West Community, are proposed to address the fundamental causes of terrestrial derived wastes at community level. At a national level it is proposed to review the structure, functions and operations of the waste management
Knowledge is critical for sound natural resource man-
agement. All phases of NRMplanning, implementation, monitoring, and decision makingare knowledge intensive. In many cases, knowledge, more than financial resources, is key to getting rural development going. There are new methods and tools for knowledge management that can increase the effectiveness
and efficiency of NRM.
Call Number: VF 6547 (EL)
Physical Description: 36 p. ; 29 cm
The Niue Village Councils Act is out dated and its effectiveness is affected by references to former offices and the previous colonial authority and administration. There are concerns about the means by which by-laws can be brought into force. Other aspects of this law mitigate against making use of it to
provide for the effective management of marine protected areas in villages.
1st page kept in vertical file collection but full e-copy can be accessed through "FL" field
Call Number: VF 6549 (EL)
The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) was originally established as a result of a decision taken at the Conference on the Human Environment in the South Pacific held in Rarotonga in 1982. It was established as a separate entity within the South Pacific Commission (SPC - now the Secretariat of the Pacific Community) based in Noumea, New Caledonia; and formed part of the UNEP Regional Seas Programme.
Specific attention is given to laws that facilitate community involvement. This is because the ToR note that "the principal focus of the IW Programme is community-based activities
associated with the conservation and preservation of freshwater, community-based waste management and the sustainable use of coastal resources". The village inspired by-laws under
the Fisheries Act are an illustration of this approach being adopted in another context. The Internal Affairs Act and the Village Fono Act both make relevant provision in this regard.
The term "environment" in the Environment Act, (No 8 of 1998), is defined as "all natural and social systems and their constituent parts, and the interaction of their constituent
parts, including people, communities and economic, aesthetic, culture and social factors". Human activities impact its natural and social environment in many ways. Where the activity
Generally little is known of traditional systems of terrestrial forest management in Micronesia. What little we do know suggests a complex approach that has been developed over thousands of
This report presents the results of a strategic environmental assessment of the development projects that have been proposed for the town of Neiafu, on the island of 'Uta Vava'u, Tonga, as part of the Vava'u Development Programme. The various project proposals have been described in the Neiafu Master Plan, accordingly, no details of the individual proposals are given in this assessment.
Available online|See also VF 1689|Prepared for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Tonga|3 copies
Call Number: 333.7109612 ONO [EL],VF 1689,341.762 SPR vf,STR
What stands out to you as you commute, or explore our beautiful peaceful Samoan island paradise which to many Europeans in years gone by meant Utopia? No, I am not referring to the hundreds of churches, some mock Baroque, and Gothic inspired, found throughout the isles. Instead, I have seen how tidy our people have become over the last decade or so. In this regard I salute and applaud them, well, especially those villages and urban communities which have embraced our Government's 'Keep Samoa Clean' awareness campaign.
E-copy available from "FL" field
IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD of Tuvalu, the fourth-smallest country in the world, so much the better, because its nine square miles of diy land may soon disappear from sight like a polished stone chopped in the deep sea. And if that happens, it might be
unpleasant to consider that the basic amenities of our lifestyle-our cars and planes and power plants, our well-lighted, well-cooled and -heated homes-have brought about the
obliteration of an ancient, peaceful civilization halfway around the world.
E-copy available from "FL" field|Downloaded off the internet
The natural vegetation of the volcanic region of Savai'i. Western Samoa, as surveyed on an expedition in 1975. is described. The natural vegetation of the highlands consists of cloud forest and smaller amounts of lava- flow scrub, scrub and herbaceous vegetation of cinder and ash deposits, and montane meadows. All but the latter were sampled for species composition
and relative dominance of species. An annotated checklist of all flowering plant species collected or recorded on the expedition is included.
Available as an electronic copy at "FL" field
Based on field studies and a previous review of the literature, 22 plant communities are recognized in the two adjacent South Pacific archipelagoes of Samoa and Tonga. Because of similarities of climate and flora, most of the communities are similar in the two archipelagoes; the major differences result from the coralline nature of most of Tonga and the volcanic nature of Samoa. The communities are briefly described, the dominant species are listed, and the variation between the two archipelagoes is noted.