Vanuatu is located in the South Pacific Ocean (about three quarters of the way from Hawaii to Australia) and includes more than 80 islands, of which about 65 are inhabited.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 253 p
Fijis marine ecosystems are worth FJ$2.5 billion per yearexceeding the countrys total export value. We are strongly committed to sustaining these values to build an equitable and prosperous blue economy
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 88 p
This island nation contains many marine eco-systems, from globally significant coral reefs to mangroves, seagrass areas, seamounts and deep-sea trenches supporting at least 769 fish species, including sharks and rays, as well as whales, dolphins and sea turtles.
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Call Number: [EL]
ISBN/ISSN: 978 82 7701 173 8
Physical Description: 84 p
Solomon Islands marine ecosystems are worth at least SI$2.6 billion per year comparable to the countrys total export value. We are strongly committed to sustaining these values to build an equitable and prosperous blue economy.
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Call Number: [EL]
ISBN/ISSN: 987-82-7701-176-9
Physical Description: 80 p
Tongas marine ecosystems are worth at least TOP 47 million per year, exceeding the countrys total export value. We are strongly committed to sustaining these values to build an equitable and prosperous blue economy.
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Call Number: [EL],363.94 MAR
ISBN/ISSN: 978 82 7701 174 5
Physical Description: 84 p
Kiribatis marine ecosystems are worth at least AU$400 million per year, which is twice the countrys gross domestic product (GDP). We are strongly committed to sustaining these values to build an equitable and pros-perous blue economy
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 76 p
This Symposium represented an unprecedented collaborative effort among government, community groups, and traditional leaders to shift our thinking and perspective: To redefine Palaus environment for Palauans today and tomorrow
Available online|Symposium report
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 23 p
In 2010, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 20112020, and its 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets, to catalyze national and international conservation efforts and reverse negative biodiversity trends
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 4 p
Larval dispersal is the key process by which populations of most marine fishes and invertebrates are connected and replenished.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 16 p
With marine biodiversity declining globally at accelerating rates, maximising the effectiveness of conservation has become a key goal for local, national and international regulators
Available online.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 10 p
This national ocean policy aims to protect and increase the value of resources of ocean and also the inherent value of the marine ecosystems and species upon which that wealth relies on.
Policy|Available online
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 30 p
Biodiversity is suffering dramatic declines across the globe, threatening the ability of ecosystems to provide the services on which humanity depends. Mainstreaming biodiversity into the plans, strategies and policies of dif-different economic sectors is key to reversing these declines.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 7 p
Global human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reed fishes.
Difficulties in scaling up theoretical and experimental results have raised controversy over the consequences of biodiversity loss for the functioning of natural ecosystems.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 9 p
Scientists have advocated for local interventions, such as creating marine protected areas and implementing fishery restrictions, as ways to mitigate local stressors to limit the effects of climate change on reef-building corals
Available online.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 30 p
Critical issues for all meetings will be the global effort in the remaining 18 months to achieve the 2020 Aichi Targets of the CBD. Target 11 is of particular importance to WCPA and indeed we would argue it is the fundamental goal to achieve biodiversity and underpins many other goals.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 14 p
The Oceania region is very prone to natural disasters having experienced two Category 5 cyclones in as many years; Tropical Cyclone (TC)Pam struck Vanuatu on 13 March 2015 and TC Winston struck Fiji on 20 February 2016.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 92 p
The world is facing a biodiversity crisis. Nowhere is that more apparent than on oceanic islands where invasive species are a major threat for island biodiversity. Rats are one of the most detrimental of these and have been the target of numerous eradication programmes; a well-established conservation tool for island systems.
Earths most highly threatened terrestrial insular vertebrates (111 of 1,184 species). Of these, 107 islands were in 34 countries and territories and could have eradication projects initiated by 2020. Concentrating efforts to eradicate invasive mammals on these 107 islands would benefit 151 populations of 80 highly threatened vertebrates and make a major contribution towards achieving global conservation targets adopted by the worlds nations.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 10 p.
Protected areas (PAs) are a key tool in efforts to safeguard biodiversity against increasing anthropogenic threats. As signatories to the 20112020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, 196 nations pledged support for expansion in the extent of the global PA estate and the quality of PA management.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 6 p
Fisheries - effects of marine protected areas on local fisheries: evidence from empirical studies.
Available online
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 27 p