n 2010 Parties to the United Nations (UN) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agreed to reduce the rate ofbiodiversity loss within a decade by achieving 20 objectives that are commonly known as the Aichi Targets.
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Physical Description: 12 p
The impacts of house mice (Mus musculus), one of four invasive rodent species in New Zealand, are only clearly revealed on islands and fenced sanctuaries without rats and other invasive predators which suppress mouse populations, influence their behaviour, and confound their impacts. When the sole invasive mammal on islands, mice can reach high densities and influence ecosystems in similar ways to rats.
Following the incursion of rats (Rattus rattus) on Taukihepa (Big South Cape Island; 93.9 km²) off southern New Zealand in 1963, and the subsequent extirpation of several endemic species, the New Zealand Wildlife Service realised that, contrary to general belief at the time, introduced predators do not reach a natural balance with native species and that a safe breeding habitat for an increasing number of at risk species was urgently needed.
Rat eradication is a highly effective tool for conserving biodiversity, but one that requires considerable planning eff ort, a high level of precision during implementation and carries no guarantee of success. Overall, rates of success are generally high but lower for tropical islands where most biodiversity is at risk. We completed a qualitative comparative review on four successful and four unsuccessful tropical rat eradication projects to better understand the factors influencing the success of tropical rat eradications and shed light on how the risk of future failures can be minimised.
Invasive species, particularly animals, are being eradicated from islands at ever more ambitious scales. In order to protect island biodiversity and the essential ecosystem functions that it provides, however, plant invasions should be given more management attention. While many advances have been made, plant eradication is inherently more difficult than animal eradication due to persistent seed banks, and eradication may not be possible for more extensive populations.
The Baja California Pacifc Islands, Mexico, are globally important breeding sites for 22 seabird species and subspecies. In the past, several populations were extirpated or reduced due to invasive mammals, human disturbance, and contaminants. Over the past two decades, we have removed invasive predators and, for the last decade, we have been implementing a Seabird Restoration Programme on eight groups of islands: Coronado, Todos Santos, San Martín, San Jerónimo, San Benito, Natividad, San Roque, and Asunción.
Considerable bene?ts can be achieved for indigenous biodiversity when invasive vertebrates are removed from islands. In New Zealand, two logistically challenging eradications were undertaken, one to remove cats (Felis catus) and the other Paci?c rats (Rattus exulans) from Te Hauturu-o-Toi/Little Barrier Island (Hauturu). Here we document the short- and long-term impacts of these interventions on the biodiversity of Hauturu. We also assess the extent to which predicted outcomes were re?ected in the measured responses for a wide range of species.
How do introduced species cause problems for biodiversity? What makes a species invasive? When humans introduce non-native species to a new environment, it can have disastrous impacts on native species and the entire ecosystem.
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Biodiversity on marine islands is characterized by unique biogeographic. phylogenetic and functional characteristics. Island hold a disproportionate amount of the world's biodiversity, and they have also experienced a disproportionate loss of it.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 30 p.
The United Nations Environments Program (UNEP) is the overall coordinating environmental organization of the United Nations system. Its mission is to provide leadership and encourage partnerships in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
The year 2007 marks the twentieth anniversary of the release ofOur Common Future,commonly known as the Brundtland Report. The need for building environmentalconsiderations into decision making, a central theme in the Brundtland Report, is no longer abold proposition, but a basic necessity.
The Tonga State of the Environment 2018 report has been developed to answer three key questions related
to the environment of Tonga, and is based on seven thematic areas:
• What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
• What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them? This could provide lessons for Tonga.
• Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?
Biodiversity tends to be at a maximum in the
equatorial region in the west of the Pacific Islands
area, and decreases markedly towards the east. For
example, the number of naturally occurring species of
animals and plants is much greater in the Solomon
Islands than in Tahiti. This is also true of the marine
environment, where fish and invertebrate species,
including corals, are far more numerous in the west
of the sub-region than in the east.
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The science is clear: the biodiversity crisis, the climate crisis and the health crisis are interdependent. Political leaders from across
the world, representing 80+ countries and the European Union, have also recognised this
connection in the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature.1 Climate change accelerates the destruction of
the natural world through extreme weather events such as droughts, flooding and wildfires.
The world’s more than 200 000 protected areas come
in many forms, on land and at sea, and occur in every
country (Bertzky et al. 2012). They are places that people
establish to conserve natural and cultural heritage and
to sustain their benefits for society. Among other values,
protected areas allow people to connect with nature for
their inspiration, education, well-being and recreation.
While protecting ecosystems that are essential for life,
they can support human livelihoods and aspirations
Advancing sustainable development and protected area management with social media-based tourism data
Sustainable tourism involves increasingly attracting visitors while preserving the natural
capital of a destination for future generations. To foster tourism while protecting sensitive environments,
coastal managers, tourism operators, and other decision‐makers benefit from information
about where tourists go and which aspects of the natural and built environment draw them to particular
locations. Yet this information is often lacking at management‐relevant scales and in remote
places. We tested and applied methods using social media as data on tourism in
Climate change poses an unprecedented level of threat to life on the planet. In addition, predictions about the scale and speed of impact are continually being revised upwards, so that what was already a serious situation continues to look even more threatening. The facts are well known. Atmospheric greenhouse gases are creating warmer temperatures, ice melt, sea-level rise and an unpredictable climate, with a range of extremely serious and hard-to-predict consequences. Recent research shows an increasingly bleak picture.
Our current economic models are unlikely to allow us to achieve the multiple
goals the international community has set, including Agenda 21 at the Rio Earth
Summit and the Millennium Development Goals set out at the World Summit on
Sustainable Development. Nearly twenty years after Rio, we have come to realize
that a more sophisticated economic lens and a more evolved economic model
are needed if we are collectively to thrive over the coming years and decades.
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Call Number: [EL]