This is a model forecast provided by BOM and is provided as is. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
This is a model forecast provided by BOM and is provided as is. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
Disclaimer: These model results provide a scientific prediction of future ocean conditions. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and caution is advised. The data are provided free of charge without warranty of any kind. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
Disclaimer: These model results provide a scientific prediction of future ocean conditions. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and caution is advised. The data are provided free of charge without warranty of any kind. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
Disclaimer: These model results provide a scientific prediction of future ocean conditions. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and caution is advised. The data are provided free of charge without warranty of any kind. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
Disclaimer: These model results provide a scientific prediction of future ocean conditions. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and caution is advised. The data are provided free of charge without warranty of any kind. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
This is a model forecast provided by the CMEMS and is provided as is. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
This is a model forecast provided by the CMEMS and is provided as is. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
This is a model forecast provided by the CMEMS and is provided as is. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
This is a model forecast provided by the HYCOM Consortium and is provided as is. HYCOM Consortium and PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
This is a model forecast provided by BOM and is provided as is. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
This is a model forecast provided by BOM and is provided as is. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
Disclaimer: These model results provide a scientific prediction of future ocean conditions. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and caution is advised. The data are provided free of charge without warranty of any kind. Further, PCCOS/SPC do not guarantee availability, service updates or timely data delivery.
The Fiji Islands are surrounded by numerous fringing coral reefs which are an extremely important natural resource, valuable as local fishery areas, tourist attractions, and for protection of the coastline from the damaging effects of waves. Over recent years, there has been increased development of the coastline in Fiji which has lead to pressure on the surrounding reefs. Degradation of reefs has been observed as the result of factors such as increased erosion on land and siltation of reefs, water
CRISP program is a South Pacific regional initiative, which "aims to develop a vision for the future of [coral reefs] and the communities that depend on them and to introduce strategies and projects to conserve their biodiversity, while developing the economic and environmental services that they provide both locally and globally. Also, it is designed as a factor for
This consolidated report, for the first semester of 2007, comes out one month late because of the programme coordinator participation and involvement in the preparation of the Towns- ville Forum co-organised by Australia and France in September 2007 (see CRISP Enlightnings and CRISP Partnerships chapters further in this report).
Available online
Call Number: [EL}
Physical Description: 24 p.
The Western Samoan Turtle Hatchery Project is, as the accompanying documents will show, a low-input, high-potential stock-reviving programme aimed primarily at increasing the amount of fresh protein currently available to the local population.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 13 p.
Solomon Islands is one of the seven countries of the South West Pacific Node of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN). The country coordination is carried out by the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) Gizo Office in the Western Province. All coral reef monitoring activities are carried out by WWF Gizo staff with very little interaction with other stakeholders in way of information sharing.
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Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 7 Pages
In 2000, the Fiji Islands was at the northern edge of a large pool of unusually warm water, and suffered extensive hard coral death due to coral bleaching. A paper composed of a collection of studies from across the Fiji islands, linking this coral
death to elevated sea temperatures at the time, was published (Cummings et al 2000). The difficulty of gathering data from very different sources, and which had been recorded using many different methods, established the need for standardised
The Workshop on Tourism Carrying Capacity & Sustainable Tourism in Fiji was held on Friday December 1st, 2006 at the PRIDE Conference Room, University of the South Pacific. Eleven participants attended the workshop and were mainly from government departments and other non-government organisations such as the Fiji Visitors Bureau (Refer to Appendix A for Participants List). Around 20 were confirmed to attend but due to the political crisis on the day of the workshop many
were not able to attend.
Available online
Call Number: [EL]