2 results
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

As part of the preparation of the Pacific Region Environmental Strategy (PRES) the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has funded a field study in Yap State. The objectives of the study are to evaluate:
1) how traditional systems have played a role in natural resource management and in development
2) how traditional systems could be productively integrated with contemporary approaches to resource management
3) how public-private partnerships have been employed in the development of tourism destinations in a Pacific island nation and could be employed in future development.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

The purpose of the original profiles was to provide information to the government on the level of freshwater and marine resources available for appropriate development planning, and for initiating regulatory controls for resource conservation and management and to facilitate the dissemination of information and data required by government and local communities, as well as regionally and internationally