5 results
 Pacific Data Hub

With a focus on the western Pacific, this portal provides ocean data relevant to a range of sectors and applications including tourism, fishing, shipping/boating, coastal inundation, environmental management etc. Designed with a user-friendly interface, the portal entry page features the applications, thereby negating the need for users to have universal knowledge of the types of information that may be relevant to their activity. The primary purpose of the portal is both data discovery, and a means of communicating ocean information.

 Pacific Data Hub

Overseas visitors include sea and air arrivals. It includes excursionists/same-day-visitors i.e. visitors from the cruise ship as well. Data is available by year for Pacific Island Countries and territories. A breakdown per visitor type (tourists/excursionists) is available from 2018.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

This dataset provides gross international tourism earnings for Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs) in domestic currencies and in US dollar, it also provides amounts per visitor and as percentage of GDP.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

Total reserves in months of imports of goods and services

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._