27 results
 Climate Change Directorate

The official Local Early Action plan created by the Mejit Local Resource Committee and community members. This was done as a part of the community's implementation of the Reimaanlok process. The Local Early Action Plan identifies communities values resources, threats to those resources, and potential solutions and actions the community could implement to address those threats.

 Climate Change Directorate

Dataset with communications from the Republic of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

 Climate Change Directorate

National Energy Policy documents for RMI

 Climate Change Directorate

RMI's National Compliance Action Plan for Phasing out ODS

 Climate Change Directorate

Republic of the Marshall Islands Joint National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaption and Disaster Risk Management, 2014-2018.

 Climate Change Directorate

Coastal Risk Assessment for Ebeye, 2017. Technical Report.

 Climate Change Directorate

Historical rainfall data from the Climate Change Knowledge Portal, World Bank Group
(Website: http://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=downscaled_dat…)

 Climate Change Directorate

RMI National Climate Change Policy Framework (NCCPF) sets out the Government of RMI’s commitments and responsibilities to address climate change.

 Climate Change Directorate

The Majuro Declaration of Climate Leadership was adopted by the Leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum in 2013. The Declaration captures the Pacific’s political commitment to be a region of Climate Leaders, and to spark a “new wave of climate leadership” that can deliver a safe climate future for all.

 Climate Change Directorate

harvesting fresh water using minimal urban technologies in Ailuk

 Climate Change Directorate

a record of typhoon occurrences in RMI from the 1970s - 1990s.

 Climate Change Directorate

A 1991 report that reviewed the state of the environment and development in RMI, and the constraints and opportunities for sustainable development.

 Climate Change Directorate

dataset with data pertaining to livestock (piglet) distribution by R&D for outer islands in the fiscal year 2014 - 2015. This data was analyzed in the current SOE

 Climate Change Directorate

The impacts of climate change and human activity are the main contributing factors to the declining production of food and food security. The Marshallese people have long been cultivating the land for food, medicinal and other traditional purposes. The Ministry of Resources and Development (R&D) has a
programme to restock livestock and food crops for national food security. Over 2,800 types of plants were distributed on most of the outer islands, as well as Majuro.

 Climate Change Directorate

Warming trends were evident in both annual and half year mean air temperatures since 1955 at Majuro. The frequency of warm days has increased. Data herein are records of the extreme minimum and extreme maximum daily and monthly temperature recorded for RMI from 1955 - 2014 that were further explained in page 47 of the SOE, 2016

 Climate Change Directorate

An academic study on the geomorphic adjustment of Nadikdik Atoll based on the comparison of aerial photographs taken in 1945 and modern satellite imagery, after the devastating typhoon that over-washed and destroyed the atoll in 1905. This study has significant implications for the geomorphic understanding of reef islands, revealing magnitudes of island change not previously recognized.

 Climate Change Directorate

This paper presents a case study of traditional and contemporary settlement patterns of Majuro, and discusses its vulnerability to storm surges. The paper shows that the application of traditional knowledge extends to the realm of urban planning and that, in fact, ignoring this traditional knowledge as expressed in preWorld War II settlement patterns, exposes urban development to increased flood hazards, a risk which may exact a price too high in life and property.