685 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Work is part of the SOPAC Regional assitance to the countries on wind advisory.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Provides principles to support nature conservation in pacific islands

 Pacific Data Hub

-MENAGE: Caracteristiques du menage; Biens du menage; Entretien; Voyages; Service; Ceremonies; Flux financiers; Betail; Agriculture.
-INDIVIDU: Caracteristiques des individus; Education; Sante; Handicap; Communication; Alcool et tabac; Activities economiques; Peche et chasse; Artisanat.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Resources for the SPREP Inform workshop in Samoa

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

A collection of Inform project training materials. You are free to download and use any of the training resources below. The PowerPoint presentations contain a complete set of slides, so please feel free to copy, delete or change slides, to fit the purpose of your country training.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset contains templates of policies and MoU's on data sharing.
You can download the Word-templates and adapt the documents to your national context.

A Private Data License Agreement available for use by PICs for their Environment Data Portals

A Public Data License Agreement available for use by PICs for their Environment Data Portals

A Shared Data License Agreement available for use by PICs for their Environment Data Portals