17 results
 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: Dwelling characteristics; sources of water; means of cooking; rubbish disposal; hosuehold items; access to Sky TV, internet; numbers of pigs and chickens; sources of income.
- INDIVIDUALS: Name (suppressed), sex, age, realationship to household head; living where; ethnicity; religion; birth mother and father still alive; language skills: speaking and writing; address 5 years ago; education and qualifications; marital status; paid and unpaid employment; children given birth to.

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 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: Basic household characteristics of the private dwellings, including tenure, sanitation, water and electricity, household wealth and household activities.
- INDIVIDUAL: Basic demographic characteristics of individuals in a particular household dwelling, including age, sex, ethnicity, religion, internal migration, educational attainment, economic activity and fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Housing and Lands, food, livestock and fishing, capital goods, energy and waste management, health, cash inflow.
-INDIVIDUAL: Population's characteristics, education, work status, fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Housing and Lands, food, livestock and fishing, capital goods, energy and waste management, cash inflow, environmental issue.
-INDIVIDUAL: Population's characteristics, education, use of narcotics, work status, fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

INDIVIDUALS: Demographic information about the people
HOUSEHOLDS: Characteristics of the households

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household listing, household characteristics, energy, communication and primary activities.

-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, education, economic activity, income and fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, water access, electricity, facilities, cooking energy,communicatiom, waste management, involvment in agriculture fishing and livestock activities, equipment and transport.
-INDIVIDUAL: Demographic characteristics, education, health, economic activity, social welfare benefits, income and fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, water supply, energy, toilet, tradition, communication & technology, waste management, involvment in agriculture, fishing, farming, equipment, transport.

-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, disability, literacy and language, information & technology, education, economic activity, income, narcotics, cultural activities and fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, water and sanitation, energy, household equipments.

- INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, education, literacy, fertility, economic activities.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Census of Population and Dwellings is a five yearly stock take of people in the Cook Islands and their housing. It is the primary source of information on the size, composition, distribution, economic activities and state of well being of the population. The most fundamental questions it will answer concern the size and distribution of the entire population, the extent to which men and women participate in the economy, and the nature of housing and household facilities.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2001 Census of Population and Dwellings was undertaken on 1st December 2001. This census was conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, 1966. The confidentiality provisions in this act provide against the
release or publication of any particulars relating to individuals.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Census provides a unique source of detailed demographic, social and economic data relating to the entire population at a single point in time. The most fundamental questions it will answer concern the size and distribution of the entire population, the extent to which men and women participate in the economy, and the nature of housing and household facilities.

 Pacific Data Hub

The creation of the independent and sovereign nation of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) under the Compact of Free Association with the United States caused a growing need for social and economic development planning. Consequently, as in many developing countries, administrators and planners in the FSM, in their quest for social and economic development often contend with incomplete or unavailable information when it is needed.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2000 Kiribati Population and Housing Census is the 4th Cencus in the series that is successfully administered by the Kiribati Statistics Office staff.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLD: Housing and Lands, food, livestock and fishing, capital goods, energy and waste management, health, cash inflow.
-INDIVIDUAL: Population's characteristics, education, work status, fertility.

* Collection start: 2000
* Collection end: 2000

 Pacific Data Hub

The primary objective of the Census is to determine the official count of the number of persons and households in Kiribati in 2005 and can be used to compare their socio-economic characteristics with those 5 years ago collected in the 2000 Population Census. Results of the census are most useful for government of Kiribati for planning and policy formulation and thus have a direct impact on the Kiribati population.

 Pacific Data Hub

The National Statistics Office (NSO) strives and continues to support government by providing socio-economic statistics for monitoring and evaluation purposes through population censuses. These socio-economic statistics are also made available to other users such as the businesses, the churches, regional and international organizations. One of the main sources of demographic and social-economic statistics in Kiribati is the population and housing census. Kiribati has been carrying out population and housing censuses in a "modern sense" at intervals of about five years since 1985.

 Pacific Data Hub

The key objective of every census is to count every person (man, woman, child) resident in the country on census night, and also collect information on assorted demographic (sex, age, marital status, citizenship) and socio-economic (education/qualifications; labour force and economic activity) information, as well as data pertinent to household and housing characteristics. This count provides a complete picture of the population make-up in each village and town, of each island and region, thus allowing for an assessment of demographic change over time.