18 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Reports by Asian Development Bank (ADB)

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Tuna Fisheries Status and Management in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This study first presents the general knowledge on shark exploitation and vulnerability. Then, the status of coastal shark fisheries in the Pacific Islands is addressed from the angle of the data available for this region and on the basis of information collected through a questionnaire that was sent to the fisheries department of the Pacific countries. In the last part, prospects for management and regulation are discussed.

 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

Tuna Fishery Report Card 2018

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Vulnerability of oceanic fisheries in the tropical Pacific to climate change

 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

Tuna Fishery Report Card 2018

 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

Fisheries New

 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Comission

 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Forum

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Draft Report prepared led by the Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit from the University of London in association with the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council and Commonwealth Foundation & the financial support from AUSAID and the UK Department for International Development. Marta Lang, a Consultant to the Commonwealth Foundation prepared the Report and tour

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority


 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea


 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

Fisheries data

 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

Tuna Fisheries

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Tuna fisheries assessment reports provide current information on the tuna fisheries of the western and
central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) and the fish stocks (mainly tuna) that are impacted by them. The
information provided in this report is summary in nature, but a list of references (mostly accessible via
the internet) is included for those seeking further details. This report is a smart PDF so if you click on a
reference within the document it will take you to the figure/section; to return to the page you were on,
press alt and the left arrow key.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Pacific BioScapes Programme is providing support to produce the Samoa National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan (SNMSMP) which will provide guidance for government and the public to implement existing regulations which established the sanctuary to protect whales, dolphins, sharks, rays and turtles.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Pacific BioScapes Programme aims to strengthen the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in Kiribati through the use of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) to achieve key ecological, economic, cultural and social objectives. This approach acknowledges the integration of atoll ecosystems with those offshore and will assist the government of Kiribati to develop atoll-level bioregional maps. These maps will support the management of both terrestrial and marine species habitats.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Pacific BioScapes Programme aims to provide enhanced local fisheries management capacity and national harvest strategies for key grouper species in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The Nature Conservancy will work alongside Marshall Islands Conservation Society, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority and other key stakeholders and partners to enhance management of coral reef fisheries and resilience of coral reef ecosystems by building local capacity to develop robust evidence-based harvest strategies that contribute to economic prosperity, food security and healthy reefs.