102 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The data set provided are selected tables extracted from the Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report, 2013 & 2014 Fiscal Years, published in July 2016. The Pacific Power Association (PPA) with the support of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) prepared this report. 

Data set comprises of the following summary tables:

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Reports on the state of the world's sea turtles

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Dataset containing all published State of Environment Reports for Solomon Islands in the previous years and the current draft 2018.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

UNEP Regional Seas Ports and Studies No. 136.
SPREP Reports and Studies No. 49.
UNEP 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

NCL_2012_Star_abstract_report142. Abstracts of papers presented at the STAR* Session 2012

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC_2013_Star_abstract_report. Abstracts of papers presented at the STAR* session 2013

 Pacific Data Hub

PNG_2013_SOPAC_technical_report191. Sedimentation survey of Yonki reservoir, Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea

 Pacific Data Hub

PYF_2013_SOPAC_cconsultancy_report. Building damage analysis in Rangiroa following a 1 in 50 year storm surge event, sopac consultancy report

 Pacific Data Hub

This report summarises the workshop approach, objectives, key learning outcomes and participant recommendations of the third Pacific Women and Fiji Women’s Fund Fiji Annual Reflection and Planning Workshop.

The primary objectives of the workshop were for participants to:

- Reflect on overall progress in advancing gender equality at various levels.

- Share experiences and lessons learned in promoting women’s economic empowerment, enhancing women’s leadership opportunities and capabilities, ending violence against women and coalition building.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report draws on a consultations with communities and key stakeholders to understand current income generation activities undertaken by women and identified areas of women’s current work where future investments could be made. It identifies additional economic opportunities, in which women were not currently engaged, but may have the potential to increase women’s income and Livelihood options.

The report explores and identifies marketing opportunities for women to sell their goods and/or services in Kiribati, as well as in regional and international markets where relevant.

 Pacific Data Hub

The review finds that there are very strong outcomes for Spa Academy scholarship graduates and their families.

Graduates feel more confident and valuable. Graduates have increased decision-making power in their families and communities and are considered more of a leader since graduating particularly at work as well as in their families and communities. Graduates have become more empowered and independent.

 Pacific Data Hub

The fifth Pacific Women in Papua New Guinea Annual Learning Workshop offered an opportunity for Pacific Women-funded and non-funded partners to come together to discuss their work and research and to share lessons about what is working, the challenges, and the opportunities for promoting gender equality in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report presents lessons learned from menstrual health actors working in the Asia-Pacific region and focuses on the local context of island-based nations. It is a unique case-study that captures the specific menstrual health challenges faced by countries with dispersed populations across large geographic locations with limited income and commercial access. The report explores how innovative investment can be a means of facilitating a new market opportunity, enabling improved access to necessary healthcare products, and support venture creation for women-led businesses.

 Pacific Data Hub

This paper examines the experience and lessons of three projects implemented by CARE International in Papua New Guinea to inform best practice in inclusive governance programming in the future. CARE’s governance work enables citizens (the “grassroots”) and government (representative as well as the civil service) to come together, disrupting negative or destructive cycles of distrust, inaction and disempowerment.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report summarises the workshop approach, objectives, key learning outcomes and participant recommendations of the third Pacific Women and Fiji Women’s Fund Fiji Annual Reflection and Planning Workshop.

The workshop objectives were to:

- Enable Fiji Government, civil society and stakeholders to reflect on overall progress and key issues to advance gender equality in Fiji.

- Update grantees of the Fund on findings from its six-monthly report analysis.

 Pacific Data Hub

Findings from this study include:

- There is a knowledge gap amongst school-aged girls related to menstruation and reproductive health more generally. This lack of knowledge also extends to the school-aged boys and mothers.

- Some teachers interviewed indicated that they were unaware that Menstrual Hygiene Management is part of the curriculum.

- Traditional beliefs and practices related to menstruation are strong in Kiribati communities, in both the urban and rural settings. These traditional beliefs affect girls’ lives in a number of intersecting ways.

 Pacific Data Hub

The fourth Pacific Women in Papua New Guinea Annual Learning Workshop provided an update on activities, research, innovation, and good practice undertaken by Pacific Women and its partners in 2017-2018 in the areas of:

- Increasing women’s leadership and decision making.

- Increasing economic opportunities for women.

- Reducing violence against women and expanding support services.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Voter Education Project was targeted at the ‘lost generation’ of Bougainville (people aged 35 to 45 years). Over 20 months, the Bougainville Women’s Federation and International Women’s Development Agency provided education about voting rights and responsibilities to 22,463 women and female youth, including 206 with disabilities and 21,368 men and male youth, including 383 with disabilities and another 53 people with disabilities. These voters were able to use these skills in the 2017 Papua New Guinea national elections.

 Pacific Data Hub

The data set provided are selected tables extracted from the Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report, 2013 & 2014 Fiscal Years, published in July 2016. The Pacific Power Association (PPA) with the support of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) prepared this report. 

Data set comprises of the following summary tables:

 Pacific Data Hub

This study was commissioned to increase the visibility of young persons with disabilities to policymakers and advocates. It provides:

- An up-to-date analysis on the situation of young persons with disabilities concerning discrimination and sexual violence, including the impact on their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

- A detailed assessment of legal, policy, and programming developments and specific good practices in service delivery along with best-standard prevention and protection measures.