101 results

The Piu Biogas system is located in Falealili District. The Biogas system is in pilot phase where it is co managed by both the Ministry of Natural Resources - Renewable Energy Division and the Community of Piu.
This photo was uploaded by Roland

Map displaying tree cover loss with > 30% canopy density, between 2001-2018. Tree cover loss is not always deforestation. Global Forest Watch data.

This is an example map from the Solomon Islands Marine Atlas. A series of maps from the Marine Atlas are uploaded as separate datasets to this portal. Use the search box or filter by the keyword/tag "maps".

This is a kml file that shows the global 24 nautical mile zone. It can open in QGIS and Google Earth.

This kml file shows the global 12 nautical miles zone. It can be opened in QGIS and Google Earth.

This is a kml file that shows the Global EEZ. It can be opened in QGIS and Google Earth.

Workshop participants in SPREP, Apia, Samoa

This kml contains the polygons that shows the global 200 nautical miles...

This kml contains the lines that shows the global 200 nautical miles zone for the Pacific region only.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This is a test for upload invasive species document

This is a test on the resource upload under a dataset

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Rarotonga Water intakes and Streams

steams and water intakes rarotonga 2014 or older

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

Situation Reports on Typhoon WUTIP