310 results
 Pacific Data Hub

In December 2001, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Dekehtik, Pohnpei, FSM. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Pohnpei station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record and dataset available in digital text format.

 Pacific Data Hub

In December 2001, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Dekehtik, Pohnpei, FSM. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Pohnpei station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record and dataset available in digital text format.

 Pacific Data Hub

In December 2001, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Dekehtik, Pohnpei, FSM. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Pohnpei station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record and dataset available in digital text format.

 Pacific Data Hub

In December 2001, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Dekehtik, Pohnpei, FSM. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Pohnpei station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record and dataset available in digital text format.

 Pacific Data Hub

In March 1993, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Funafuti. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Funafuti station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record.The gauge has been returning high resolution, good scientific quality data since its installation.

 Pacific Data Hub

In October, 1992, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Lautoka, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Lautoka station and also readings from a Non-SPSLCMP Station in Suva, Viti Levu . This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record and dataset available in digital text format.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds the registration of Marshall Island's public vessels by different categories. These are fishing vessels, passenger boats, cargo boats, mixed boats (passenger & cargo). Data was obtained from the Ministry of Transport & Communication via the RMI Energy Planning Division. This is record as of July 2015.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

A Cook Islands Marine Park.. Vision: The worlds largest marine park, one million square km’s “Protecting what we own”

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Data on reef fish, sea urchin, sea urchin density and biomass

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Marine Managed Areas Ra'ui on Rarotonga and Pa Enua

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Marine pollution originating from purse seine and longline fishing vessel operations in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, 2003-2015.

 Climate Change Directorate

Report based on an underwater surveys conducted in Namu atoll relating to the status of its marine resources.

 Climate Change Directorate

A preliminary review of the results from the underwater survey in the Majuro atoll in 2004

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

MACBIO is a project that supports sustainable economies and livelihoods of Pacific Island Countries by strengthening institutional and individual capacity, to manage and conserve biodiversity in marine and coastal ecosystems. The project was commissioned by BMUB to GIZ as part of IKI, jointly implemented by SPREP, IUCN and GIZ from 2013 to 2018.

This dataset holds all MACBIO-related resources pertaining to Kiribati as one of the participating countries. Resources include;


The overall scope of this report is to describe the major habitats and marine life in the project area, with the aim of providing relevant information for future development projects. Past development activities in the project area include dredging operations in the nearshore reef area and the installation of a wastewater discharge pipeline in Gataivai. This is the first known comprehensive biological assessment undertaken in the area.


This Phase 1 Draft report was prepared in accordance with the May 7, 2014, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) Planning Aid Letter (PAL), Scope of Work (SOW) and Budget for assisting the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHA) and the American Samoa Department of Public Works (DPW) with a marine resource and impact assessment associated with installation of shoreline protection structures to stabilize highway roadbeds.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

Regional data on marine pollution. Observation pollution event

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

This review documents existing legislation and policies as well as the country's participation in international/regional agreements and conventions relevant to marine turtles.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

This project report has two components

1) a field survey of the fish biodiversity of Tuvalu’s reefs and lagoons, as well as documenting the species commonly caught by local fishermen and
2) a field survey of selected macro-invertebrate and fish densities in Tuvalu’s lagoons, to assess the stocks of valuable species on each atoll and test the effectiveness of the Conservation Areas (CAs).

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

MACBIO is a project that supports sustainable economies and livelihoods of Pacific Island Countries by strengthening institutional and individual capacity, to manage and conserve biodiversity in marine and coastal ecosystems. The project was commissioned by BMUB to GIZ as part of IKI, jointly implemented by SPREP, IUCN and GIZ from 2013 to 2018.

This dataset holds all MACBIO-related resources pertaining to Vanuatu as one of the participating countries. Resource herein include;

* Vanuatu Marine Atlas - interactive data viewer

* Vanuatu Marine Atlas - report
