175 results
 Makata Inc.

Sea turtles of today have changed little from their ancient reptilian ancestors that appeared
on earth millions of years ago before humans. For many years, humans have been exploiting
turtles for food and decorative ornaments. In the last 200 years or so, the uncontrollable
harvests of adults and juveniles and turtle eggs have caused sea turtle population worldwide
to drastically decline. The remaining population are critically endangered and very close to

Online only

Call Number: [EL]

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The International Waters Project (IWP)1 is a 7-year, USD 12 million initiative concerned with management and conservation of marine, coastal and freshwater resources in the Pacific islands region, and is specifically intended to address the root causes of environmental degradation related to trans-boundary issues in the Pacific. The project includes two components: an integrated coastal and watershed management component, and an oceanic

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Before making a commitment to a given area, programs such as IWP must collect information on local institutions, community history, social and political structures, livelihood strategies
and opportunities for. and constraints to achieving program activities. This information provides insights that can help in dealing with specific local issues and in identifying key
issues, as well as factors for improved management of marine resources.

Available electronically

Call Number: 333.784 4 KIN (EL)

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0355-0

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The purpose of the IWP in Yap is to "promote sustainable coastal fisheries via a system of marine protected areas established and maintained through a collaboration of traditional resource owners, government and non-government organizations, and other stakeholders in one management framework" (Anon 2002). The use of MP As is being advocated around the world, particularly the developing world, in part because MP As are relatively uncomplicated to implement compared to technically demanding yield-based management measures such as quotas.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Quarantine, Forestry and Fisheries (MAQFF) is mandated to manage resources that are vital to the well-being of Vanuatu people and the economy. The structure of the Ministry is shown in Attachment 1. Government is mindful that where there are no sustainable management practices, resources are overexploited and much to the disadvantage of local communities and the environment. This is witnessed the world over and is becoming evident with some resources in the islands of Vanuatu.

 Frontiers in Marine Science

Substantial efforts and investments are being made to increase the scale and improve the effectiveness of marine conservation globally. Though it is mandated by international law and central to conservation policy, less attention has been given to how to operationalize social equity in and through the pursuit of marine conservation. In this article, we aim to bring greater attention to this topic through reviewing how social
equity can be better integrated in marine conservation policy and practice. Advancing

 University of the South Pacific (USP)

There are low and high islands in the Pacific Ocean. All islands have some of the same environments (kinds of places such as coral reff, open ocean and forests)

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-9123-87-9

Physical Description: 36 p. : col. Ill, 29 cm

 Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Mangrove forests store high amounts of carbon, protect communities from storms and support fisheries. Mangroves exist in complex social-ecological systems hence identifying socioeconomic conditions associated with decreasing losses and increasing gains remains challenging albeit important.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 16 p.

 Elsevier Ltd

Understanding perceived equity is key, equity subjective, context-dependent and has implications for legitimacy, cooperation and wellbeing. Since gender in combination with other social characteristics, influence how people benefit or participate in management, examining perceived fairness from an intersectional perspective is crucial.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 10 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

One of the greatest challanges we face in protecting our islands biodiversity is how to balance the needs of the people that use it, and the future of the environment. There are many reasons why the Pacific islands way of life is endangered, it is
necessary to address these threats, all of them. Understand ing their causes will help to stop them, if it is possible or to change or adapt our way of life. It is necessary to focus on long term sustainability strategies, but in the mean time develop and carry out short term projects to address the immediate needs of our islands.

 Conservation Biology

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a primary tool for the stewardship, conservation, and restoration
of marine ecosystems, yet 69% of global MPAs are only partially protected (i.e., are open to some form of fishing).
Although fully protected areas have well-documented outcomes, including increased fish diversity and biomass,
the effectiveness of partially protected areas is contested. Partially protected areas may provide benefits in some
contexts and may be warranted for social reasons, yet social outcomes often depend on MPAs achieving their

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

The Dataset contains and will contain the following: • Updated text; • National R2R website or associated links; • Social media account names/handles – FB, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube etc; • Newsletters ; • Articles ; • Videos • Photographs • Resources – Concept/Technical Notes, Guides, Posters etc.

34xpdf png
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG is endowed with rich natural resources and culture and is known as one of the cultural and mega biodiversity hotspots globally. Located on the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, PNG contains roughly 1 percent of the global landmass, with four major islands and over 600 islands and atolls. PNG also has one of the diverse reef system in the world and has a total of 3.12 square kilometers of economic exclusive zone (EEZ) of marine territory. Over 840 spoken languages exist and spoken by over 1000 different tribes.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Linkages of GEF Goals, PNG's Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Sustainable Development Goals which are within the administration of CEPA.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

The Tonga State of the Environment 2018 report has been developed to answer three key questions related
to the environment of Tonga, and is based on seven thematic areas:
• What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
• What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them? This could provide lessons for Tonga.
• Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?
