680 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Highlights the urgent, unmet medical and emotional needs of survivors of family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea and recommends concrete action in order to meet these needs.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Government of PNG through the National Executive Council (NEC) Decision No. 135/2010 deliberated on the lack of core statistics for informed decision-making and evidence-based planning and as a result directed relevant Government departments responsible for producing and using statistics to develop a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) for the country.

 Papua New Guinea Forest Industries Association (Inc)

With 3.8 million cubic meters of tropical wood exported in 2014, primarily to China, Papua New Guinea (PNG)has become the world’s largest exporter of tropical wood, surpassing Malaysia, which had held the top spot for the
past several decades.

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

From Wealth to Wellbeing: Translating Resource Revenue into Sustainable Human Development Papua New Guinea

 PNG Department of Agriculture and Livestock

This policy replaces the Papua New Guinea National Food Security Policy (NFSP) 2000-2010. The policy sets the medium to long-term direction and signals priority areas to focus resources (financial and human) to build sustainable food security for all Papua New Guineans. It provides a platform for joint planning to guide coherent programs and actions from all key stakeholders to strengthen food security in Papua New Guinea.

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

Oil palm prices may hold up in the medium term, with strong demand from India and China. Yet, like other non-oil commodities, oil palm prices are likely to remain volatile, and to experience a long term relative price decline. (Chapter 3)

Report for the Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights on the economic prospects for small farmers in PNG’s oil palm industry

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

A four-week mission was undertaken in Papua New Guinea to evaluate the work of the National Cultural Council and the Provincial Cultural Centres and the relationships between them, and to advise on the development of cultural centres with special regard to their structures, functions and programmes, as well as to their coordination.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Tonda Wildlife Management Area on the southern extremity of Papua New Guinea’s border with Indonesia is PNG’s largest and oldest conservation area and its only Ramsar site. For over 20 years it has been managed by a committee of indigenous leaders drawn from 20 village communities. While this group has provided strong local level protection of land, lack of support to the committee has meant that the full potential of community management has not been realised. Furthermore threats on a regional and international scale cannot be easily
dealt with by current community institutions.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This is Papua New Guinea's National Ramsar Report to the Conference of Partties 13th meeting (COP 13) 2018.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Vol 1. Policy Statement to Promoting a Viable Population and Environment within the Paradigm of Responsible Sustainable Development.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG government want a responsible sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources of the country for the benefit of the present and future generations. The central theme of this new development road map presented by StaRS is to shift the country’s socio-economic growth away from the current unsustainable growth strategy that it is following and towards a road map that is truly responsible, sustainable and able to place PNG in a competitive, advantageous position into the future.

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

Vision 2050 is underpinned by seven Strategic Focus Areas, which are referred to as pillars:

  • Human Capital Development, Gender, Youth and People Empowerment
  • Wealth Creation
  • Institutional Development and Service Delivery
  • Security and International Relations
  • Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Spiritual, Cultural and Community Development; and
  • Strategic Planning, Integration and Control
 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring


 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

2005 Ok Tedi CMCA village survey for the Mineral Policy Institute

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Various collections or reports

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

Women, mobile phones, and M16s: Contemporary New Guinea highlands warfare

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has long been a site of analysis for exploring the links between natural resources and conflict, having been cited as an example in prominent studies of the ‘natural resource curse’ and used as a source of learning in international debates on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Over the past decade, this scholarship has expanded to encompass conflict analysis and peace building. This paper considers four themes identified in the contemporary literature, each with reference to examples drawn from PNG: 1) the costs

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Agency and the « Avatar » narrative at the Porgera gold mine, Papua New Guinea

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

GESI policy 2013

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG HCV Toolkit