83665 results
 Pacific Data Hub

A recently completed wind survey indicates that the windward side of Kiritimati Island has sufficient wind resource to provide cost-effective generation. One of the main issues is connecting together the small grids on the north-west cluster of settlements and also interconnecting the north-east settlement cluster separately. Each can be considered for wind power integration into the two resulting grids.

 Pacific Data Hub

The PNG wind dataset is extracted from the 3TIER Global Wind Dataset, IRENA Global Atlas for Renewable Energy.

3TIER Global Wind Dataset can be downloaded from this link: https://irena.masdar.ac.ae/?map=324

 Pacific Data Hub

Wind demonstration on Guam wind speeds. Data were collected from January 1982 through February 1983 at Bubulao, Guam.

 Pacific Data Hub

Details of various solar installation in Niue. Captures the estimated annual kWh, percentage of total daytime electricity production, type of funding and funding source.

 Pacific Data Hub

NPC load data on a typical weekday, and weekends. Data provided by Herb Wade, sourced from the Niue Power Corporation. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Dataset captures 2008 - 2012 monthly solar production data for the Nauru College installation by the REP5 Project (EDF 9). 

 Pacific Data Hub

Dataset captures 2008 - 2012 monthly solar production data for the Nauru College installation by the REP5 Project (EDF 9). 

 Pacific Data Hub

Captures total generation (kWh) from the solar installation at the Funafuti Sports Ground in Tuvalu from 2008 - 2013. Data is captured monthly and quarterly on a yearly basis.

 Pacific Data Hub

Captures aircraft fuel consumption data from 2013 - 2014 for Tuvalu. Data is sourced directly from the aviation fuel supplier by the Tuvalu Department of Energy (DOE) and provided to SPC. Dataset captures the monthly number of refuels of the aircraft in Tuvalu, the fuel consumption (litres) and the total number of flights in the month. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Solomon Islands copra, palm oil and cocoa production and export by annual basis and destination from 2005 - 2015. Data sourced from the Commodities Export Marketing Authority (CEMA) in Honiara. Dataset captures the volume production (Megatonnes) of these 3 products quarterly & annually and destination of export.

 Pacific Data Hub

South Pacific Oil Company (SPOil) annual volume fuel import & sales by end-used sectors for 2013 & 2014 (retail, rural, logging, power, commercial, marine, aviation). Marine sector is comprised of fishing vessels, local & overseas boats. Fuel to provinces shipped in drums and logging camps are bunkered in barges. SPOil is the only supplier of aviation fuel in the Solomon Islands. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Trade Report for March Quarter 2015, published by the Solomon Islands Statistics Office on a quarterly basis. Report only comprised of financial information , no volume data. Remaining reports will need to be requested via email to the Statistics Office as the reports on the website are not regularly updated.

 Pacific Data Hub

Data table on Pacific Utilities key characteristics, obtained via PPA benchmarking exercise. Data is extracted from PPA 2012 report, published in 2015. Key characteristics captured here are:

  • peak demand,
  • percentage of IPP,
  • household with connections,
  • outer islands serviced,
  • renewable energy percentage to grid and
  • ownership status (private or public owned).


 Pacific Data Hub

Data tables of generation & distribution, SAIDI & SAIFI key performance indicators (KPIs) obtained via PPA benchmarking exercise. Data is extracted from PPA 2012 report, published in 2015. Reports are also available within this portal. The dataset has been verified with the data table in the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Electricity tariff table of Pacific Utilities, obtained through the Pacific Power Association (PPA) benchmarking exercise. Data table is extracted from the 2012 PPA Report, published in 2015. PPA Reports were downloaded from the PPA Website and is available within this portal. This dataset captures both electricity tariffs in the local currency & USD. Tariff review was carried out by PPA and some utilities were not represented in this table due to difficulty in understanding or missing information. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures generation and fuel consumption by the Vatukoula Gold Mines. Record captures the following:

  • power generation, fuel consumption, power distribution on a monthly basis
  • daily and monthly reports on generators, feeders & fuel
 Pacific Data Hub

Miscellaneous statistics published by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Record captures estimated annual consumption of selected commodities per head of population from 1997 - 2008. Downloaded from: http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/other-statistics

 Pacific Data Hub

Detailed business activity tables published by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Downloaded from http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/economic/5-economic-statistics/economic-general/109-production-index-of-key-industrial-sectors

Data is in PDF format & captures production & sales (kWh) of electricity by FEA by type of consumer (industrial, commercial, domestic & others) from 2010 - 2012.

 Pacific Data Hub

Detailed census 2007 release & tables (in PDF format). Downloaded from http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/2007-census-of-population

Attached in this record are the following:

 Pacific Data Hub

2008 - 2009 HIES conducted by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. HIES surveys are a convenient and perhaps the only means of obtaining socio-economic information needed for the formulation of Government's economic and social plans and policies.

Downloaded from http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/census-and-surveys/47-census-and-surveys/population-census/124-2008-2009-household-income-and-expenditure-survey-hies