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 Pacific Data Hub

Project concept note 2 on development of Accredited Technical Course Programmes at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU).

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by K. Raghavan for the Inter-regional advisor and the University of West Indies Center for Energy and Development.

Eleven islands on three SIDS in the South Pacific have been selected for this Case Study (eight islands in Tuvalu, two in Fiji and one in Tonga). The selection criteria included: · The government of the island state should be strongly interested in making one or more of their islands into “100% RE Islands”.

 Pacific Data Hub

A considerable amount of effort has been focused on addressing the energy supply and security issues within the Pacific.

The aim of this report is to provide near term solutions that can improve generation efficiency, increasing electrical generation by at least 10 percent without additional fuel costs or increased emissions. What is sought now is support to analyse an immediate opportunity with a view to preparing a pragmatic commercial package that will allow its early implementation.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) for the renewable energy and energy efficiency partnership (REEEP) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

 Pacific Data Hub

Data collected from the wind mast in Penia, Weno Island in FSM. Wind mast installed under the North-REP project.

 Pacific Data Hub

Data from the wind mast in Tonoas in the FSM. Installed under the North-REP project

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by SMEC for the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. SMEC International Pty Ltd (SMEC), in association with Baker and McKenzie and Green Pacific Island Services (collectively the Project Team), have been engaged by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (the PIFS) to conduct a Baseline Study on Opportunities under the Clean Development Mechanism in Pacific African-Caribbean-Pacific States (the Baseline Study). The objectives of the baseline study are:

 Pacific Data Hub

This flagship report was undertaken by the Infrastructure of the Department for Sustainable Development in the East Asia and Pacific Region of the World Bank under the guidance of John Roome, Sector director, Vijay Jagannathan, Sector Manager.  Some EAP countries have practically achieved universal electricity access. Others that lag behind recognize electrifi cation as a major governmental priority.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre and was authored by Maria Corazon Alejandrino-Yap. Inadequate infrastructure maintenance has long been recognised as a challenge. The failure to manage and maintain existing infrastructure assets in Pacific island countries has resulted in a large infrastructure debt – representing the gap between what has and should have been spent on infrastructure. The premature deterioration of infrastructure affects lives.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by SMEC (Michael Wiener). The key objective of this project was to provide an independent assessment of the potential scale of the emmission reduction market from the energy sector projects developed in the Pacific.

Due to magnitude and complexity of this topic, providing an assessment of all potential energy sector Clean Development Mechanicm (CDM) opportunities within the Pacific as a whole was not possible.

 Pacific Data Hub

Final status report on the Gender Equity in Climate Change Adaptation and Low Carbon Development.- International Climate Initiative. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This project is implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Gender CC – Women for Climate Justice, with funding support from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) based in Germany.

 Pacific Data Hub

Draft Version. Training Manual produced under the ICI Initiative.

 Pacific Data Hub

Participants List for the training of trainers in gender mainstreaming held in 2011.