83658 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Gender assessment report under the FREPP Biofuel Mill in Koro Island. This gender assessment was done jointly by UNDP and the Fijian Government. The information was gathered during a field visit to Koro Island, Fiji, in the first week of December 2013.

 Pacific Data Hub

Renewable Energy Investment Forum for Fiji 2015 - Post Event Report.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the Guam Energy Task Force. There is hereby created a Guam Energy Sustainability Act with an energy policy council to secure, sustain and ensure the economically prosperous future for Guam. The Guam Energy Sustainability Council (GESC) shall set Guam's energy policy for all sectors to follow and engage. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Project Identification Form of the GEF Trust Fund.

 Pacific Data Hub

Powerpoint presentation by Kakau Foliaki at the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG) Meeting coordinated by SPC in November 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

Eighteenth congress of the Federated states of Micronesia. First regular session, 2013. A Bill for an act to appropriate the sum of $2,000,000 from the Genera Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013 to loan to the Pohnpei Utilities Corporation  and for other purposes. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Grant in the Amount of USD 7Million and a Proposed Small Island Developing States Intiative Grant in the Amount of USD 2.1 Million to Tuvalu for an Energy Sector Development Project. Document of the World Bank. 

Downloaded from : http://www.worldbank.org/projects/P144573/?lang=en&tab=overview

 Pacific Data Hub

Project Information Document - Tuvalu Energy Sector Development Project

 Pacific Data Hub

Environmental and Social Management Framework - Tuvalu Energy Sector Development Project. Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC)

 Pacific Data Hub

Eighth Pohnpei legislature. Third special session, 2012. The purpose of the legislature is to enable the reform of power generation and distribution in Pohnpei, amending various provisions of Title 34 and Title 11 of the Pohnpei Code with respect thereto; providing for power purchase agreements between Pohnpei Utilities Corporation (PUC) and large-scale generators of electrical power.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tender document posted on the EDD SPC Website calling for bidders on the supply, installation and commission of the proposed systems in Tuvalu.

 Pacific Data Hub

Attached are the following:

  1. First and second quarter 2016 oil market report (January - June 2016)
  2. First quarter regional fuel and gas price review
 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 21, August 2016

 Pacific Data Hub

A Report in the Existing Market Supply and Demand for Meteorological and Hydrological Services (TVET). Report prepared by Na Draki (Fiji) Ltd Consultant for the The Pacific Community (SPC).

 Pacific Data Hub

Training Needs/Gap Analysis on Sustainable Energy in Pacific ACP Countries - Current Training Report. Report submitted by Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd to SPC. 

A desktop study was undertaken to identify Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institutes in the ACP Pacific countries.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on Training of Trainers Course for Officers of CDU, VITE & ISU Port Vila, Vanuatu: August 24 - 28 2015.