83658 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Outer Islands’ Solar Electrification Programme is Government‐owned and operated through the Ministry of Resources and Development (R&D). The operation and maintenance of this programme is carried out by the Marshalls Energy Company (MEC)under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Government (R&D) and MEC.

 Pacific Data Hub

The North Pacific ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project (North-­‐REP) provided technical assistance and partnered with the Action for the Development of Marshall Islands Renewable Energies (ADMIRE) project to install wind resource monitoring equipment in Jaluit, Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Wind monitoring equipment and data collection is being carried out by the Marshalls Energy Company.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following report represents the second, “quantitative” assessment of the impact of the Price Reporting Agencies Principles on the physical market in 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) has organised a competition on renewable energy & energy efficiency innovation.

 Pacific Data Hub

The SPC Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) wishes to invite Small and Medium Business and NGOs in the PICTs who are currently or are planning to invest on Renewable Energy and Energy to apply for support from the PCREEE Sustainable Energy Entrepreneurship Facility (PSEEF).

 Pacific Data Hub

The SPC Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) is supporting sustainable energy research. Each application must include the university-approved research proposal and must be submitted electronically to: Dr. Atul Raturi ([email protected]) and a copy to Solomone Fifita (Solomone [email protected]).

 Pacific Data Hub

Quarterly newsletter - In this issue, we have articles covering the south-south capacity building exchange for Vanuatu to develop a fuel pricing template; aggregate resources and how to manage them; the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources supports a local community in Papua New Guinea; The Project for Introduction of Hybrid Power Generation System in Pacific Islands Countries – a regional technical cooperation project by the Japan International Cooperation Agency; and improving energy access in Kiribati’s largest island – Kiritimati.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following materials are part of the Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEG) initiative to increase awareness of energy and gender issues in the Pacific region. This consits of a flyer and poster.

 Pacific Data Hub

Energy Conservation project. Supported by Nauru Government, funded by European Commission under the REP 5 Project and developed and implemented by Live & Learn Environmental Education

 Pacific Data Hub

A guide to saving electricity at home, school and at work

This handbook is designed for teachers, educators, non government organisations and Government bodies in Nauru. It outlines the issue of energy conservation and provides practical activities to assist people reduce energy use at home, work and at school. Electricity bills are increasing for households, schools and businesses in Nauru so saving energy is a smart way to save money.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2004 regional Earth day activity was a "Renewable Energy Awareness Campaign" targeting schools throughout the region with the theme "Renewable energy save my island home"

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a publication of the Government of Nauru.This report was prepared by Doug Oldfield, Robert Brown, Christine Chan and John Carter as individual consultants under the guidance and support of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) in Sydney, Australia.

PRIF operates as a partnership for improved infrastructure in the Pacific Region between the Asian Development Bank, the Australian Agency for International Development, The European Union and the European Investment Bank, the New Zealand Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade and the World Bank Group.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following Captures the MNRE annual reports from 2012 to 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following Captures the MNRE annual reports from 2012 to 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following captures the full IPP rates as endorsed by the Fiji competition commision in 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

Fifth report of the Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA) on electricity bills (electricity tariff) comparisons for the Pacfic countries and territories. Report uses spot currency exchange rates in January 2017,since the trend in rankings is only meaningful by holding exchange rates constant at the last version of the report. 

Source: http://www.ura.gov.vu/

 Pacific Data Hub

Fourth  report of the Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA) on electricity bills (electricity tariff) comparisons for the Pacfic countries and territories. Report uses spot currency exchange rates in June 2016,since the trend in rankings is only meaningful by holding exchange rates constant at the last version of the report. 

Source: http://www.ura.gov.vu/

 Pacific Data Hub

The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the fuel price as input in the calculation of electricity prices paid by customers in Vanuatu. The report describes the supply chain and pricing mechanism for fuel used in electricity generation, together with the findings and conclusions of investigations by the team

 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith Concenssion Contract Agreement made on 14 July 2000 between the Government of Vanuatu, Grantor; Minister for Lands, Geology, Mines, Energy, Urban and Rural Water Supply and Concessionnaire; Union Electrique Du Vanuatu Ltd (UNELCO).

FIrst Part - Convention: Article 1 - 16

Second Part - Specifications: Article 17 - 20

Keywords: Vanuatu, Malekula Island, Concession Contract, Electricity, Union Electrique Du Vanuatu Ltd (UNELCO), Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA)

 Pacific Data Hub

This report highlights Vanuatu Utility Authority independent review and assesment in Tanna and Malekula concession.

Executive Summary