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This Facebook post highlights an awareness raising session by Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) on increasing young people's knowledge and understanding on the need to end violence against women and childre.

This Facebook post highlights the inaugural Kiribati Annual Reflections Meeting which brought together people from across Kiribati who work to improve gender equality through projects supported by the Australian Government and its Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women) program.

This Facebook post highlights the first regional ‘Supervision Skills for Health and Social Services Professionals' training aimed at supporting crisis centre counsellors and caseworkers in delivering services to women and children survivors of violence, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This Facebook post highlights Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) training for new staff at the Pohnpei Division of the FSM Department of Health & Social Affairs.

This media release covers the launch of the Chuuk Women Council’s Tongen Inepwineu Counseling Service in FSM which received Australian Government support.

This article highlights ‘A dive into the Blue Pacific’ a side event designed to amplify the experiences of Pacific girls at the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in Samoa in March 2020.

This media release highlights a women’s forum in Palau held in March 2020 to discuss issues around women’s work and wellbeing.

This media release highlights International Women’s Day activities in 2020 planned by the Tuvalu National Council for Women, which along with partners, works towards gender equality in the country.

This media release highlights the launch in March 2020 of the first crisis support centre for women survivors of violence in the Federated States of Micronesia with funding and technical support from the Australian Government.

This media release highlights the work of three national agencies responding to the needs of Tongan women and children during the COVID-19 crisis that additional Australian funding support enabled.

This press releases highlights the partnership between IOM and Australia in July 2020 to improve women’s access to essential services in Federated States of Micronesia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This media release highlighted the “Celebrating Women in the Public Service” a photo exhibition which featured women in the public service commission in Port Vila in July 2020.

This media release covers the Women’s Economic Empowerment training program at Tonga National Centre for Women and Children, which teaches a wide range of income generating skills.

This media release highlights as a call by WUTMI for greater action to address sexual violence and harassment in RMI at a march held in Majuro in September 2020.

This article covers the Pacific Girl webinar on adolescent girls and COVID-19 held in October 2020, which looked at the concerns of young women and girls, and those working to support them, and ways to support girls’ increased involvement in COVID-19 response and recovery.

This media release covers stakeholder reflections from almost 40 Pacific gender equality initiatives, supported by Australian Government funding, on new ways of doing business in Fiji during times of crisis (COVID-19 and TC Harold).

This media release covers the launch of FI-E-FI-A’a Fafine Tonga (FFFT) network in Tonga to support and empower women and girls particularly during the COVID-19 and TC Harold response.

This article covers the work and expansion of the growing Pacific feminist coalition We Rise, which added new partners from Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu and PNG in 2020.

This media release highlights a new video animation released in Nauru about the safety of women and children in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This media release highlights a new video animation released in Republic of Marshall Islands about the safety of women and children in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.