83648 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Kearney R.E. 1978. The South Pacific begins skipjack survey programme. Noumea, New Caledonia: South Pacific Bulletin. South Pacific Bulletin 28(3)/1978, p.21-25.

 Pacific Data Hub

Guillemot N., Ducrocq M. 2011. Développement d’une base de données et d’indicateurs de gestion pertinents pour le suivi de la pêche professionnelle. Lettre d'information sur les pêches de la CPS 134:34-40.

 Pacific Data Hub

Labelle M. 1993. A review of albacore tagging in the South Pacific. Noumea, New Caledonia: South Pacific Commission. 17 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tardy E., Pakoa K., Friedman K.J. 2009. Assessment of the trochus resources of Pohnpei Island in June 2008 and recommendations for management. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 63 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Grant K.L., Miller M.L. 2004. A cultural consensus analysis of marine ecological knowledge in the Solomon Islands. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 17:3-13.

 Pacific Data Hub

Anon. 2018. Gender analysis of the fisheries sector in Solomon Islands. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 72 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Lehodey, P., Hampton, J., Leroy, B. 1999. Preliminary results on age and growth of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean as indicated by daily growth increments and tagging data [BET_2]. Noumea, New Caledonia: SPC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 16-23 June 1999, 12th. 18 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Choo P.S. 2012. The sea cucumber fishery in Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia. SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin 32:43-48.

 Pacific Data Hub

Malm T. 2007. Bendable facts: A note on the division of labour in Tonga. SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin 16:3-9.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hallier J.P. 1985. Une expérience locale de pêche à la palangre en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Lettre d'information sur les pêches de la CPS 31:6-15.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Customs Tariff Schedule - Schedule 1. Harmonized System Nomenclature of Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Income Tax Act 1990 - An Act relating to income tax and for connected purposes.

 Pacific Data Hub

Income Tax (Amendment) (No 1) Act 1985 - Republic of Kiribati (No.2 of 1985). An Act to amend the Income Tax Ordinance.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Import Levy (Special Fund) Ordinance. An Ordinance to provide for the imposition of an import levy and the establishment of a special fund to receive money raised thereby to subsdise the transport of goods within the Gilbert Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

An Act to provide for the supervision and control of foreign investment in Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tonga Electric Power Board (Repeal) Act 2007. Act No. 12 of 2007. An Act to repeal the Tonga Electric Power Board Act.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tonga Electric Power Board Act

1988 Revised Edition

An Act to provide for the establishment of the Tonga Electric Power Board for the production, control and distribution of electric power throughout the Kingdom; and for related purposesThis Act may be cited as the Tonga Electric Power Board Act. (Amended by Act 46 of 1988.)

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Customs Act 2005 (No.2 of 2005). An Act relating to the collection and management of customs duties in Kiribati; and for connected purposes. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of Kiribati Customs (Amendment) Act 1985 (No.6 of 1985). An Act to amend the Customs Ordinance (CAP.22).

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Copra Tax Act 1986 (No.10 of 1986). An Act to provide for the imposition of tax on the sale of copra from primary producers to co-operative societies and for connected purposes.