83641 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Zann S., Zann L. 2008. Pauvreté au paradis ? Questions relatives à la pauvreté et au développement dans les villages de pêcheurs des Iles Fidji. HINA, les femmes et la pêche, Bulletin d'information de la CPS 18:36-41.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kelly K. 1999. The use of chemicals in the live fish export industry. SPC Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 6:30-31.

 Pacific Data Hub

Anon. 2018. National Strategy on Aquatic Biosecurity for the Solomon Islands 2018–2023. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 28 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Foale S. 2009. Exploration préliminaire des rapports existant en Mélanésie entre gestion halieutique, sécurité alimentaire et objectifs de développement pour le millénaire. Ressources marines et traditions, Bulletin d'information de la CPS 24:3-8.

 Pacific Data Hub

Malm T. 2009. Searching for clues in the lagoon: Is marine gathering a reflection of our evolutionary past? SPC Women In Fisheries Information Bulletin 20:10-16.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kusumaatmadja R., Muldoon G., Scott P. 2004. Project update: Developing industry standards for the live reef food fish trade. SPC Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 12:30-33.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hoareau T., Conand C. 2001. Sexual reproduction of Stichopus chloronotus, a fissiparous sea cucumber, on Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. SPC Beche-De-Mer Information Bulletin 15:4-12.

 Pacific Data Hub

Gabrié C., Duflos M., Dupré C., Chenet A. 2011. Conservation, management, and development of coral reefs in the Pacific: building on the results of six years of research, collaboration and education. Noumea, New Caledonia: Coral Reef Initiatives for the Pacific (CRISP). 172 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kearney R.E., Rivkin M.L. 1981. An examination of the feasibility of baitfish culture for skipjack pole-and-line- fishing in the South Pacific Commission area. Noumea, New Caledonia: South Pacific Commission. 23 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Johannes R.E., Hviding E. 2000. Traditional knowledge possessed by the fishers of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, concerning fish aggregating behaviour SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 12:22-29.

 Pacific Data Hub

Moore B., Malimali S. 2016. Demographic assessment of exploited coastal finfish species of Tongatapu, Tonga. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 24 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuwo A. 1999. Reproductive cycle of the holothurian Holothuria scabra in Saugi Island, Spermonde Archipelago, Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia. SPC Beche-De-Mer Information Bulletin 11:9-12.

 Pacific Data Hub

Bosserelle P.,Liufau E., Imirizaldu M., Singh N., Taugamoa F. et Niutoua S. 2018. Statut de la ressource en crabe de cocotier à Alofi - Novembre 2017. Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie, Communauté du Pacifique. 36 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Argue A.W., Kearney R.E. 1982. An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Pitcairn Islands. Noumea, New caledonia: South Pacific Commission. vii, 39 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pel, H. van., Devambez, L.C. 1957. The Fisheries industry of French Polynesia. Noumea: SPC. 30 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Vunisea A. 2007. L'évolution de la participation des femmes au secteur de la pêche dans les États et Territoires insulaires océaniens. HINA, les femmes et la pêche, Bulletin d'information de la CPS 16:24-26.

 Pacific Data Hub

Malm T. 2009. Women of the coral gardens: The significance of marine gathering in Tonga. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 25:2-15.

 Pacific Data Hub

Sugiyama S. 2005. Information requirements for policy development, decision-making and responsible fisheries management: What data should be collected? SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin 15:24-29.

 Pacific Data Hub

Griggs, L., Murray, T. 2001. Monitoring the length structure of commercial landings of albacore tuna during the 2000-2001 fishing year [ALB-3]. Noumea, New Caledonia: SPC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish, Noumea, New Caledonia, 9-16 August 2001, 14th. 9 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Romero M.M., Cabansag J.B.P. 2014. Some data on the diversity and sexual maturity of sea cucumbers in the mangroves of Babatngon, Leyte Province, Philippines. SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin 34:25-28.