83212 results

This document encapsulates a trajectory for the development of education in the Solomon Islands for the next fifteen years.

The Cook Islands Curriculum describes a framework for learning and assessment that produces a broad and balanced education. The great majority of students will spend twelve years of their lives in school. It is important that during this time, they develop the essential skills and knowledge to cope effectively with the opportunities and challenges, which they meet, both now, as young people, and in the future, as adults.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework that will ensure and strengthen access to quality education for all persons with disabilities in all schools throughout Fiji. Quality education reflects the spirit of equity, inclusion, access, progress and achievement of educational outcomes that will guide and direct the journey of one’s lifelong learning and the opportunity to enjoy one’s quality of life.

The vision of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC) in Samoa is to encourage
lifelong learning by way of access to, and the evaluating of knowledge through creative
problem-solving and critical thinking in dynamic national, regional and global economies. As
defined in SDG4, this will also ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for the
sustainable development of the country.

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines to all school counselors at the Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts (MEHA) schools and offices when applying interventions and proactive measures designed to support the social, emotional;, and behavioural well-being of students, teachers and school environment.

The Education Master Plan presents a strategic direction for education over the next 15 years. The plan acknowledges that education is not the sole responsibility of any one group. Through collaboration we can make the most of opportunities to develop new ideas and initiatives. These opportunities will provide a foundation for success and excellence for all. The plan describes what we are aiming for and how we intend to get there.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework that will enhance and facilitate effective, efficient and timely data collection form schools and reporting to the Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts (MEHA) and all local and international stakeholders. This policy is also designed to ensure that the collection and entry of data is undertaken with care and accurate reporting to support education based management, administration and activities to continually raise the quality of data held and the Fiji Education Management Information System (FEMIS).

This Finance Manual sets out policies and procedures needed for the efficient and effective management of the agency and effective operation of internal controls.

The purpose of the School Management Policy is to bring together all Government and MESC policies that relate to the functions and operations of a school especially in the effective use of resources. This enables a school to carry out its functions and tasks to achieve its vision, mission, goals, and objectives in the continuous improvement of learning achievement and learning outcomes by all students.

The National Education Action Plan translates the Education Strategic Framework 2016-2030 objectives into a five-year implementable action plan.

This policy outlines the requirements for registration as an Education Authority. The policy applies only to the formal stream of education particularly the care facilities, pre-schools, primary and secondary schools: government-funded, government-assisted, and private schools.

The Samoa Education Sector Plan (ESP) brings together the forward plans of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC), the Samoa Qualifications Authority (SQA) and the National University of Samoa (NUS), together with the arrangements for implementing and monitoring these plans. It strengthens Samoa’s Sector Wide Approach (SWAp), involving all stakeholders in tackling the developmental needs of the education sector in Samoa.

An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to Education in Fiji
29th September 1978

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear direction to assist schools, all organizations and parties providing Early Childhood Education (herein after referred to ECE) services in Fiji to access key administrative and policy information to ensure that all services offer quality programmes. This policy covers ECE center-based programming for young children aged three to eight years.

Professional Development aims to build the capacity of teachers to ensure they continue to strengthen teaching practices to improve student development and learning in their classrooms. The reality of the profession is changing very swiftly placing the demand for skilful teachers in all classrooms. Various changes have been introduced in schools, focusing on the needs of our children to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes that are often different from those taught to their parents.

The document describes Ministry of Education's plan for 10 years (2017-2027).

This Corporate Plan reflects a change of attitudes, structures, policies, and resource allocations that are closely aligned with the Government of Vanuatu’s overall policy framework.

The Ministry of Education and Training is committed to deliver and improve on these three key objectives;
The corporate plan builds on the three key objectives of the interim sector strategy, and that is to;

The school Staffing Manual provides advice to MESC staff and principals on the school staffing process.
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