347 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Oil palm prices may hold up in the medium term, with strong demand from India and China. Yet, like other non-oil commodities, oil palm prices are likely to remain volatile, and to experience a long term relative price decline. (Chapter 3). World prices are not the main problem for small farmers in PNG. Three factors are likely to place a ceiling on the economic benefits for small farmers: (i) small farmers remain at the highly competitive end of a large grower market, with little market power, keeping them as ‘price takers’; (ii) a large monopsony (all

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, is a tectonically unstable, uplifting shoreline ringed by emergent coral terraces. The terraces were formed during episodes of rapid sea-level rise when corals constructed large, discrete coral platforms that were subsequently uplifted. Uranium series ages of four prominent Huon Peninsula last glacial (OIS 3) coral terraces coincide with the timing of major North Atlantic climate reversals at intervals of 6000^7000 yr between 30 000 yr and 60 000 yr ago.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Peatlands are common in montane areas above 1,000 m in New Guinea and become extensive above 3,000 m in the subalpine zone. In the montane mires, swamp forests and grass or sedge fens predominate on swampy alley bottoms. These mires may be 4–8 m in depth and up to 30,000 years in age. In Papua New Guinea (PNG) there is about 2,250 km2 of montane peatland, and Papua Province (the Indonesian western half of the island) probably contains much more. Above 3,000 m, peat soils form under blanket bog on slopes as well as on valley floors.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This chapter provides a brief description of Papua New Guinea, its past and present climate as well as projections for the future. The climate observation network and the availability of atmospheric and oceanic data records are outlined. The annual mean climate, seasonal cycles and the influences of large-scale climate features such as the West Pacific Monsoon and patterns of climate variability (e.g. the El Niño‑Southern Oscillation) are analysed and discussed.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority


 PNG Forestry Authority

Strengthening the capacity of decision making on REDD+

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Forestry and climate change

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea Resource Information System Handbook

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This NSP is a result of a national consultative process among government ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) the private sector and all relevant stakeholders, and provides a broad consensus on the necessity for Marshallese to clearly define the future of the country. The process provided the basis upon which this NSP: its Vision, Objectives, Context and Strategies were developed.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Graphs and tables quantifying the distribution of livestock and seedlings to the outer islands through the Livestock Project and Horticulture Project by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce and the Taiwan Technical Mission.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Documentation on getting started with the Inform Data Portal.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This Operational Manual is one such tool that will assist in standardizing and
streamlining the administrative process for handling of the environmental applications.
It is important that officers use this manual as a guide for responding to each step in the
permitting process.
Operational Manual is a dynamic and evolving document that should be continually
improved as situations arise to meet the new demands. At the same time, the improved
efficiency that is anticipated from the use of the manual would assist DEC to function

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Combating land degradation through integrated land management

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea is committed to Sustainable Development through its StaRS Strategy and Vision 2050. PNG has also signed up to Rio Conventions and supplement agreements and protocols which needs monitoring and evaluation. Sustainable Development Goals are very important as it simplifies the Sustainable Development approaches.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

JICA Country Profile on Environment of Papua New Guinea (PNG) was carried out by the Planning and Evaluation Department Japan International Cooperation Agency in February 2002. This 37 paged report outlines PNG's fact sheets, organization structure, legislation, current environmental issues and international relations between PNG and overseas countries

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

It is a Pre-Workshop In Country Review For Papua New Guinea 19th-23rd October 1999 in Nadi, Fiji Islands. Collaboration between NDMO, PNG NWS and Water Resources

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PAPUA NEW GUINEA –Millennium Development Goals Second National Progress
Comprehensive Report for Papua New Guinea 2010

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Government of PNG through the National Executive Council (NEC) Decision No. 135/2010 deliberated on the lack of core statistics for informed decision-making and evidence-based planning and as a result directed relevant Government departments responsible for producing and using statistics to develop a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) for the country.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG government want a responsible sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources of the country for the benefit of the present and future generations. The central theme of this new development road map presented by StaRS is to shift the country’s socio-economic growth away from the current unsustainable growth strategy that it is following and towards a road map that is truly responsible, sustainable and able to place PNG in a competitive, advantageous position into the future.

 Climate Change and Development Authority in PNG

Update on the 2nd National Communication Report for PNG to UNFCCC downloaded from www.unfccc.org