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 Australian Government

This report has been prepared by the Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts for Members of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to support discussion on Agenda Item 8.1 'Streamlined reporting by Pacific Island countries (PICs) to the biodiversity- related multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) - the development of a consolidated reporting template' at the 19th SPREP Meeting in September 2008.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 49 p

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Work is based around country visits by the network coordinator to support PILN teams to identify and take strategic action to manage their priority invasive species. The network is functioning by sharing awareness of successful activities being earned out by the teams, providing the mechanism for other teams to do the same, and actively encouraging them to do so.
Capacity building is linked to on-going invasive species projects and achieved through workshops and exchanges.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Pacific Invasives Initiative (PII) is a sister partnership based at Auckland University which shares 6 partners with PILN. The goal of the PII is to contribute to conserving island biodiversity and enhancing the sustainability of island livelihoods by minimizing the spread and impacts of invasive species in the Pacific region. This is achieved by increasing support and developing capacity in the region for managing the impacts of these species.


1. Article 6 of the Convention on Biological Diversity/ requires each Party to develop or adapt national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and to integrate, as far as possible and as appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of biological
diversity into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 11 Pages

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

For one of the species potentially at some risk of poisoning under the proposed rat eradication regime, the Friendly Ground Dove, Nuutele and Nuulua hold populations that are nationally significant. The complete loss of these populations would threaten the survival of the taxon in Samoa. Some authors consider the Samoan doves to be a separate race (Gallicolumba s. stairi) from those in Fiji and Tonga (Watling, 2001). Outside Samoa, the race is only found on the small island of Ofu,

 Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (Samoa)

1. During a recent survey around Upolu, Savaii and Nuutele the Yellow Crazy Ant was both observed and collected as samples in different locations.
2. The field survey reveals the extend distribution of the Yellow Crazy Ant through out Samoa.
3. 11 sites were visited in Savaii and 12 in Upolu and 1 in Nuutele; no survey was done on Nuulua due to weather conditions. On Upolu and Savaii the sites were located approximately 15km around the island.
One or two sites or stations fall inland.


The islands of Nu'utele and Nu'ulua have been identified as highly significant sites for conservation in Samoa. They hold large populations of species currently found nowhere else in the country' including threatened land-birds, seabirds and nesting
turtles. They also are the only offshore islands large enough and far enough offshore to be considered as refuges for several of the nation's species threatened on the larger islands by introduced mammalian pests. Such refuges have assumed greater

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  Samoa Ministry of Natural Resources Environment & Meteorology (MNREM),  Pacific Programme of the Cooperative Islands Initiative (PP-CII)

The restoration of the Islands of Nuutele and Nuulua is a priority of the Government of Samoa and the communities of Aleipata District. Planning is well advanced on a key element of this, the eradication of Pacific Rats (Rattus exulans) by aerial
spreading of toxic baits in mid-2006. The Friendly Ground Dove has been identified as a non-target species that may be at risk of taking the baits and one for which the Nuutele and Nuulua populations are significant. Several approaches for safeguarding

 UN Environment Programme

A Workshop on Regional Action to Combat Invasive Alien Species on Islands to Preserve Biodiversity and Adapt to Climate Change highlighted successes, deepened connections within regions and facilitated the exchange of experiences across regions.While discussions outlined significant obstacles to invasive alien species management2 on islands, they also showcased how targeted successes have led to major gains for conservation and development.Collaboration across developmental and environmental sectors and sustained support are critical to success in this field.Exciting new initiatives are dev


Scenarios- • Finding out what people want
• Scenarios can either be ideal
visions or expectations of
reality – both are useful
• They can be recorded
discussions, maps, models or
• A stand?alone component or
EBA added into existing
scenario building

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 39 p.

 Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd.

The Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture seeks approval for the release of the plan pathogen Puccinia xanthii Schw. (Pucciniales: Pucciniaceae) into Rarotonga for biological control (biocontrol) of the introduced plant cockleburr Xanthium pungens Wallr. (syn. Xanthium strumarium; Xanthium occidentale Bertol.) (Asterales: Asteraceae).

Online only

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 21p. ; 29cm.

 Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd.

The Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture seeks approval for the release of a gall-forming wasp Tetramesa romana and an armoured scale insect Rhizaspidiotus donacis into Rarotonga for biological control (biocontrol) of the introduced plant giant reed Arundo donax (Poales: Poaceae).

Online only

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 22p. ; 29cm.

 Tourism Resource Consultants

In June/July 2002 an eradication programme to remove Pacific rats from Maninita Island in the Vava'u group of the Kingdom of Tonga was initiated. The techniques used were similar to those
used in successful rat eradications in New Zealand, in that Pestoff 20R pellets and a network of bait stations were used.
Conditions on the island were not what was expected, the forest having been adversely affected by cyclone Waka and subsequent defoliation by caterpillars, resulting in an open forest canopy. Rats were found to be present on the island in high numbers and were breeding.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This BIORAP (Biological Rapid Assessment Program) survey was undertaken as part of the process to facilitate improved management of the forests and biodiversity of Upland Savai’i. More specifically, the survey was conducted to fill key gaps in the knowledge of this globally important put poorly studied region of montane and cloud forests. This information will be used to make better informed decisions on the conservation management of the biodiversity in the area in conjunction with Savai’i land-owning communities, relevant government departments and other partners.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The combined pressures of climate change and development will not only aggravate existing challenges to the conservation of biodiversity in the Pacific, but also introduce new difficulties. There are a wide range of historical, current and planned studies that examine specific aspects of the relationship between climate change, conservation and development in the Pacific.

 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

This document reviews actions taken by intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), including regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) and other relevant regional fishery bodies (RFBs), to address problematic sea turtle and seabird interactions in marine capture fisheries. Sea turtles and seabirds are subject to a number of natural and anthropogenic mortality sources, including fishing operations. As a result, all sea turtle species of known status are recognized as being endangered.

 European Communities

Nature provides human society with a vast diversity of benefits such as food, fibres, clean water, healthy soil and carbon capture and many more. Though our well-being is totally dependent upon the continued flow of these “ecosystem services”, they are predominantly public goods with no markets and no prices, so are rarely detected by our current economic compass. As a result, biodiversity is declining, our ecosystems are being continuously degraded and we, in turn, are suffering the consequences.

Available online|1 copy

Call Number: [EL],333.95 THE

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

In this chapter we provide a brief introduction to how protected area systems have evolved – from the historical 10% representation target to our current recognition that gap analyses are required to assess where these protected areas best safeguard, or should safeguard, our planet’s biodiversity. We summarize recent intergovernmental mandates that call for strategic assessment of the effectiveness of protected area networks, and we introduce the concept of KBAs as a tool for fulfilling these mandates.

Also available electronically

 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Shark and ray numbers are declining globally, and a quarter of all species are believed to be threatened with extinction.

Available online

Call Number: [EL],363.94 SIM

Physical Description: 64 p

 Spring Nature Limited

To conserve global biodiversity, countries must forgee quitable alliances that support sustainability in traditional pastoral lands fisheries-management areas Indigenous territories and more. Global support is growing for the 30 x 30 movement - a goal to conserve 30% of the planet by 2030.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 4 p.