63 results
 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

The purpose of the original profiles was to provide information to the government on the level of freshwater and marine resources available for appropriate development planning, and for initiating regulatory controls for resource conservation and management and to facilitate the dissemination of information and data required by government and local communities, as well as regionally and internationally

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

A report from a workshop that was aim to enable curriculum writers (formal and non formal) for K-6 to develop learning outcomes (including knowledge, skills and attitudes) on climate change and disaster risk reduction and options for mitigation and adaptation in Vanuatu (Agenda see Annex I)

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This NISSAP has been developed to identify invasive species and priority actions to address their threats on the environment, economy and livelihood of people.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This revised strategy is based on best practice approaches that ensures major negative aspects of waste disposal be addressed in both urban and rural communities of Vanuatu.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Community fisheries management (CFM) has been introduced in fisheries management in Vanuatu almost over a decade ago. However, more than ten years later, for some reason, it appeared weak, inefficient and biologically unsustainable. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to describe and compare the actual form of CFM system in Vanuatu with the Arnason design principles to identify where the deviations reside and on that basis suggest future improvements in the Vanuatu CFM.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

The primary objective of the forest survey was to provide information on type, distribution and volume of forest resources to enable national planning for development and conservation.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This report briefly summarizes the 2004 annual figures for fisheries commercial export, home consumption, fish catch, imports, company local purchase records and the number offish export establishment licenses issued.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This report was commissioned by the Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change Project (PEBACC) – an International Climate Initiative (IKI) project implemented by SPREP in conjunction with the Government of Vanuatu. The project advocates ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) as a cost-effective and appropriate response to climate change in Pacific island countries.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This technical summary document reports on the findings from the first phase of ESRAM activity that was conducted in Greater Port Vila between January and June 2016.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

The report addressed three main tasks:

1. the mapping of key ecosystems for Vanuatu and Tanna in terms of their type, condition and the ecosystem services they potentially generate;

2. an economic evaluation of the benefits to local communities arising from these ecosystem services; and

3. an assessment of the risk to community sustainability from threats and pressures on ecosystem health, including climate change related hazards, for three of the most

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This synthesis report provides an overview of the first seven steps involved to identify, prioritise, and implement ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) projects in Port Vila, Vanuatu, and is based on a detailed series of technical reports prepared for the PEBACC project.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This report is an update of the PAA (Priorities and Actions Agenda) 2003, focusing on the linking of policy and planning with the limited resources the government controls.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

The taxonomy, distribution, or natural history of comatulid crinoids (featherstars) in Vanuatu. The primary purpose of this study was to collect a target group of these crinoids to be used in molecular phylogenetic studies to assess their taxonomic status. The intended outcome of this study was to review species-level taxonomy and subsequently create an internet guide to all.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

A translated poster identifying the endangered species of plants and animals of Vanuatu for protection.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

The Vanuatu White-eye (Zosterops flavifrons) is endemic to Vanuatu and is one of the most widespread and abundant birds within the region. Seven geographical subspecies of this bird, varying both in size and colour, have been identified in the country. This document briefly addresses the causes of population divergence.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Info-graphic poster on the identified invasive species in the country

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Observer data of marine dumping from longline boats.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Useful information on Vanuatu land tenure and conservation actions review commissioned by RESCCUE project (SPC).

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

MACBIO is a project that supports sustainable economies and livelihoods of Pacific Island Countries by strengthening institutional and individual capacity, to manage and conserve biodiversity in marine and coastal ecosystems. The project was commissioned by BMUB to GIZ as part of IKI, jointly implemented by SPREP, IUCN and GIZ from 2013 to 2018.

This dataset holds all MACBIO-related resources pertaining to Vanuatu as one of the participating countries. Resource herein include;

* Vanuatu Marine Atlas - interactive data viewer

* Vanuatu Marine Atlas - report

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

The Vanuatu NBSAP will be the main implementing strategy for the Environment Pillar of the National
Sustainable Development Goals and Policies 2016-2030 environment goals and policy objectives.
