83212 results

All data for NDMI indicator - Number of people requiring interventions against neglected tropical diseases

All data for NDMI indicator - Prevalence of obese children - 13-15 year olds (+2SD from median for BMI by age) (%)

All data for NDMI indicator - Proportion of one year olds fully immunized against EPI target diseases (3 doses hepatitis B - HepB3) (%)

All data for NDMI indicator - Proportion of one year olds fully immunized against EPI target diseases (3 doses diptheria, tetanus, toxoid & pertussis) (%)

All data for NDMI indicator - Sustainability of national health systems (prop of annual health expenditure from international aid) (%)

All data for NDMI indicator - National Health Accounts - Per capita total expenditure on health (US$)

All data for NDMI indicator - National Health Accounts - Government expenditure on health as % of total government expenditure

All data for NDMI indicator - Proportion of Households with access to improved sanitation (%)

All data for NDMI indicator - Proportion of Households with access to improved drinking water (%)

All data for NDMI indicator - Prevalence of overweight or obese adults - BMI >= 25.0

All data for NDMI indicator - Antenatal care coverage (% of women who had at least one antenatal session with a skilled provider)