83641 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of Palau, proceedings of the 1st multi-stakeholder consultations, 14th - 21st November 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Nauru proceedings of the 1st multi-stakeholder consultation, Menen Hotel, Nauru, 13th July 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of the Marshall Islands, proceedings of the 1st multi-stakeholder consultations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Conference Room, Majuro, 29th November - 3rd December 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuvalu technical report, assessment of salinity of groundwater in swamp taro (cyrtosperma chamissonis) "pulaka" pits in Tuvalu, March 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Fiji technical note - rapid assessment of erosion and flooding at Korotasere village, Vanua Levu and Delaivadra and Salevukoso villages, Druadrua Island, 30 May - 1 June 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati technical report, inter-tidal channel flow in North Tarawa, October 2008

 Pacific Data Hub

Reducing Vulnerability of Pacific ACP States, Natural Hazards in the Pacific Fact sheet 7: coastal erosion

 Pacific Data Hub

Globalising the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI): proceedings of the EVI globalisation meeting, 27-29 August 2001, Geneva, Switzerland

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) think tank II, 4 - 6 October 2004, Suva, Fiji

 Pacific Data Hub

The Sanitation Park Project

 Pacific Data Hub

Nauru technical report, rainwater harvesting: asset condition survey of domestic infrastructure, 13th February to 23rd February 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Islands participation in the world summit on information society - prep com2, February 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Drinking water quality in the Pacific Island Countries: situation analysis and needs assessment

 Pacific Data Hub

Gold potential at the Matepono River mouth and adjacent areas, Solomon Islands, volume 1, - a magnetometer survey -; December 1994

 Pacific Data Hub

Manganese nodules from the South Penrhyn Basin, Southwest Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of the Marshall Islands, a review of disaster & mitigation plan arrangements and alignment with the Pacific Framework for action 2005-2015 (as per SOPAC agreement)

 Pacific Data Hub

Groundwater recharge in low coral islands: Bonriki, South Tarawa, Kiribati; issues, traditions and conflicts in groundwater use and management, UNESCO IHP Technical documents in hydrology 25, 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – Emergency Operations Centres training, Nauru, 22 April – 3 May 2012

 Pacific Data Hub

PYF_2013_SOPAC_technical_report. Preliminary benefit cost analysis of storm surge hazard mitigation in the Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia

 Pacific Data Hub

Economic dimensions of the Tanaea livestock facility of the Government of Kiribati