83641 results
 Pacific Data Hub

NIU_2012_SOPAC_workshop_report144. SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Mineral Project: Proceedings of the Niue National Deep Sea Minerals Stakeholder Consultation Workshop Sports Club, Niue 3 April 2012. SOPAC workshop report

 Pacific Data Hub

FJI_SPC-EU_information_brochure10. SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals(DSM) Project, Information Brochure 10 Fiji Deep-sea Mineral Potential

 Pacific Data Hub

First meeting of the Africa Carribean and Pacific ministers in charge of mining resources; ACP House, Belgium, 12-19 December 2010

 Pacific Data Hub

Tonga technical report on aggregate dredging and proposed dredging and proposed plan of action for offshore aggregate extraction in Tongatapu, February 2005 (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical report on geological and geo-technical investigations of the Semo quarry and selected aggregate sources in South and Western Viti Levu, Fiji, January 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa - country mission report, 28th February - 06th March 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa country mission and technical advisory report aggregate assessment in selected parts of Savai'i and Upolu Islands, 1st - 15th October 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Solomon Islands technical report, proposed framework and guidelines for sustainable aggregates resource development and management in the Solomon Islands, June 2008

 Pacific Data Hub

Solomon Islands technical report, assessment of potential terrestrial aggregate sources on Ghizo Island, Solomon Islands, May 2008

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu - country mission report, 25th April - 2nd May 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Cook Islands Technical Report: geological assessment of selected aggregate sources on the islands of Aitutaki, Mangaia and Atiu, Southern Cook Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu Technical Report on the assessment of coastal sand resources in Mele and Teouma bays and Pango, Efate Island

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals Project proceedings of the Niue national deep sea minerals stakeholder consultation workshop sports club, Niue 3 April 2012

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – stakeholder meetings and national stakeholder consultation workshop on deep sea minerals, Tuvalu, 3-10 May 2012

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals (DSM) Project, Information Brochure 12, Republic of the Marshall Islands Deep-sea Minerals Potential

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – Samoa national workshop on deep sea minerals, Samoa, 6-10 March 2012

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – Deep Sea Minerals mission, Tonga, 31 January – 3 February 2012

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals (DSM) Project, Information Brochure 4, Marine Mining and Technology Development

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – development of a "PNG-SPC joint country strategy (JCS) including the mid-term development plan 2011-2015 and the new Papua New Guinea strategic plan 2010-2030, 1-5 August 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – stakeholder consultation meetings for the SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals (DSM) Project, Kiribati, 15-21 September 2011