83656 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Studies of Ostracods and other Fauna in the Southwest Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on a trip to Honiara, Solomon Islands for the hydrocarbon programme, 19-26 November 1987

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to east-west center, Honolulu, 17 January 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on a trip to Honiara, Solomon Islands, 30 March - 6 April 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Nomura, Mango, and Fonoifua, Tonga, 6 - 9 February 1989, comments on Geology and drilling, May 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

The current status of CCOP/SOPAC energy programmes, a speech presented to the UN-PEDP Ministerial Energy Conference, East/West Centre, Honolulu, August 10 - 12, 1988

 Pacific Data Hub

Cruise report Manus basin leg, 21st cruise of RV Akademik MSTISLAV KELDYSH, 21 May - 7 June 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

The role and functioning of STAR, SOPAC'S Science, Technology & Resources Network and the responsibilties of the STAR Chair, January 2000

 Pacific Data Hub

Abstracts of papers presented at the STAR Session, 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

Abstracts of Papers presented at the STAR Session 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Abstracts of papers, presented at the STAR SESSION, 1994

 Pacific Data Hub

Abstracts of papers presented at the STAR Session, 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

Abstracts of papers, presented at the STAR Session 1998

 Pacific Data Hub

Abstracts of papers, presented at the STAR Session, 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the cobalt-rich manganese crust resources in the waters of the Republic of the Marshall Islands: based on the results of the cooperation study project on the deepsea mineral resources in selected offshore areas of the SOPAC region

 Pacific Data Hub

Japan/SOPAC deepsea mineral resources programme, a synthesis of the first stage (1985 - 1999)

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the cobalt-rich manganese crsut resources in the waters of the Federated States of Micronesia: based on the results of the cooperation study project on the deepsea mineral resources in selected offshore areas of the SOPAC region

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary of report on the cooperative study project on the deepsea mineral resources in selected offshore areas of the SOPAC region, -sea area of the Republic of Fiji Islands-

 Pacific Data Hub

Preliminary report on the results of the Japan/SOPAC deepsea mineral resources survey in the Federated States of Micronesia waters, March 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Preliminary report on the results of the Japan/SOPAC deepsea mineral resources survey in the Cook Islands waters, February 2001