83656 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Exploration mo mining

 Pacific Data Hub

Exploration and mining

 Pacific Data Hub

Benefits and woes o ol gudfala mo rabis saed blong mining

 Pacific Data Hub

Divelopment blong of minerals mo ol raet blong ol landowner

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific minerals in the new millenium: science, exploration, minning and community

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific minerals in the new millenium: science, exploration, minning and community

 Pacific Data Hub

Tonga offshore survey, 17 September - 2 October 1977

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati offshore survey (Cruise GL. 79-1), 30 March - April 1979 & 14 April - 25 April 1979

 Pacific Data Hub

Initial report on 1984 R/V.S.P. Lee cruise L6-84-SP in Western Solomon Islands and Eastern Papua New Guinea, 9 June - 26 June 1984

 Pacific Data Hub

Proposal for a multi-channel, seismic survey offshore, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, March 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

South Pacific petroleum survey; project proposal for funding, September 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

Solomon Islands offshore gold survey; 10 November - 8 December 1975

 Pacific Data Hub

The report gives an overview of the scientific programme of the Sorcerer II Global Expedition. The survey measured microbial diversity and oceanographic parameters at a number of locations across the globe, including the South Pacific. Reports, articles, and some of the data generated from the survey can be downloaded from the web. See links under 'Online resources'.

 Pacific Data Hub

High-Resolution Bathymetric Survey of Tuvalu

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the eleventh session, Wellington, New Zealand, 9-17 November 1982, inlcuding report of the eleventh session of its technical advisory group, report of its working group A-TAG session, report of working group B-committee session, the CCOP/S

 Pacific Data Hub

Marine phosphatic sediments workshop, resource systems institute, East West center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 9-11 February 1978

 Pacific Data Hub

Nearshore surveys off Tongatapu, Tonga for precious corals and sand, 7-17 June, 1978

 Pacific Data Hub

Review of precious coral in CCOP/SOPAC member countries

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the sixteenth session, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 12-21 October 1987

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the twelfth session, Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 11-20 October 1983