83656 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the tenth session, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 6-14 October 1981

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the ninth session, Tarawa, Kiribati, 20-28 October 1980

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the eighth session, Suva, Fiji, 24 September - 1 October 1979, including report of the eighth session of its technical advisory group, the CCOP/SOPAC work programme, and technical documentation

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the thirteenth session, Apia, Western Samoa, 29 October - 6 November 1984

 Pacific Data Hub

CCOP/SOPAC a review of marine mineral exploration in the South Pacific, May 1988

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC Work Programme (updates February 1990)

 Pacific Data Hub

Papua New Guinea offshore survey, cruise PN-79(1), 10-26 March 1979

 Pacific Data Hub

Fiji offshore survey, Cruise FJ-78(1), 28 October - 1 November 1978

 Pacific Data Hub

Solomon Islands offshore survey, Cruise SI-79(3), 10 October - 25 November 1979

 Pacific Data Hub

Future sand supplies for Tongatapu: viability of offshore mining

 Pacific Data Hub

A review of SOPAC activities in Vanuatu from 1978 - 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary of lagoonal sand and aggregate deposits of eastern Upolu and Eastern Savai'i, Western Samoa

 Pacific Data Hub

Oil plays in Tonga, Southwest Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

The Three Kings Ridge and the Norfolk Basin (Southwest Pacific): an attempt at structural interpretation

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa - Upolu and Savai'i Composite Bathymetry

 Pacific Data Hub

South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission report, 21st South Pacific Forum Meeting, Port Vila, Vanuatu, July 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Hydrothermal Vent Fields and Vent-Associated Biological Communities in the Manus Basin

 Pacific Data Hub

Geology and offshore resources of the Solomon Islands, joint cruise report R/V S.P. Lee 1982

 Pacific Data Hub

Tonga coastal area management program

 Pacific Data Hub

Ocean wave measurement workshop II, 17-28 February 1992