83656 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Small Scale Wasterwater Treatment Plant Project, report of visit to the Republic of the Marshall Islands, 3 - 10 June 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC workshop on Photo-Voltaic Pumping (PVP) systems, Suva, Fiji, 21-23 May 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

Sub-regional workshop on wind energy utilization, 23-27 June 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC Water demand management workshop, Nadi, Fiji Islands, Skylodge Hotel, 21st to the 26th of June 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Rural water supply and water demand management, report of visit to Vanuatu, 29 August - 4 September 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Water demand management as a tool to mitigate drought, impacts in rural water supply systems, report of visit to Kadavu, 14 September - 17 September 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Installation of a Global Positioning System (GPS) Assisted Field Asset Management (FAM) system for the Department of Water Works in Rarotonga, 1-11 December 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Initial report on SOPAC II Leg 2, Vanuatu to Solomon Islands, R/V S.P; Lee L5-84-SP, September 1984

 Pacific Data Hub

Hydrocarbon resource studies in the Southwest Pacific, 1982. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-293

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of activities of CCOP/SOPAC, Consultant Geologist for the period 6/2/78 - 8/5/78

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on interpretation of seismic profiling data collected on the VAUBAN cruise in Vanuatu waters

 Pacific Data Hub

The assessment of petroleum potential in the offshore areas of the Solomon Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

The assessment of petroleum potential in the offshore areas of the New Hebrides

 Pacific Data Hub

Deep submersible dives at the D'entrecasteaux - New Hebrides arc collision zone, Vanuatu, 27 February to 13 March 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati technical report, economic analysis of aggregate mining on Tarawa, March 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati technical summary, report of economic analysis of aggregate mining on Tarawa, March 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

The South Pacific and article 76 of the Law of the Sea, July 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the second SOPAC workshop on coastal processes in islands nations of the south and central pacific, October 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

Building capacity to insure against disaster in Tuvalu, consultants report

 Pacific Data Hub

Air photo survey of coastal areas, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, July 1996