83665 results
 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #043, February 2008; restoring newsupdate; stepping up capture of critical original single paper copies of data; the regional institutional framework and the future of SOPAC

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #50, April 2010; update on the Regional Institutional Framework (RIF); strategic planning exercise kicks off with 2-day retreat (15-16 April); TAF/OFDA training (12-13 April); SOPAC and ISDR secretariats launch biennial progress review o

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #48, July 2008; water is everybody's business, IWRM meet in Niue (18th - 22nd July); HYCOS project meeting in Niue (23rd - 24th July); disaster risk management is a finance and development planning responsibility (21st-23rd July); SOPAC

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #51, May 2010; update on the Regional Institutional Framework (RIF); Director of SOPAC appointed to Circum-Pacific Council; SOPAC 39th governing council meeting; cost and benefit study on Niue drinking water supply; SPC-SOPAC Division 20

 Pacific Data Hub

Volume 8, number 3, December 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Cook Islands country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Fiji country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Federated States of Micronesia country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Guam country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Marshalls country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Nauru country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

New Caledonia country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Papua New Guinea country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the twenty-fourth session, hosted by the Government of Australia in Suva, Fiji, 29 September - 6 October 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the twenty-third session, Majuro, Marshall Islands, 14-22 September 1994

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the twenty-fifth session, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 2-8 October 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa country profile

 Pacific Data Hub

Volume 9, number 1, January-May 1992