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 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Disposal by incineration instead has some major disadvantages. The air pollution risks are usually not as high (as they are on continents), thanks to the large expanses of surrounding
ocean. Yet the high costs and challenging technological safety demands of incineration tend to make it an inappropriate disposal solution. Improvements in gasification systems and
energy recovery could alter this balance over the next few decades. However, the prospect of turning the mountains of plastic residues into an energy source are likely to remain a fantasy in the foreseeable future.


Protected areas of one sort or another cover about 10 per cent of the world's land surface; the large majority were established in the second part of the twentieth century. Although most
were originally set up to protect landscape values, wildlife or more recently biodiversity, they are increasingly expected in addition to provide wider benefits to human society.

1 copy

Call Number: 333.95 DUD [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-2-88085-279-9

Physical Description: 39 p. ; 29 cm


Climate change poses a massive threat to development. The poorest populations of poor countries - the Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States, and the nations of Africa - face the concentrated challenge of tackling the worst of the impacts with the least capacity to do so. Clearly, adaptation to climate impacts must be seamlessly integrated into any development planning and policy. This four- step plan for mainstreaming climate change aims to fulfil that need.

 Samoa Marine Biodiversity Protection & Management Project

Baseline monitoring was carried out in two complementary programs : establishment of Permanent Monitoring Sites conducted by the Project Team, and trials of a Community Based Monitoring Program undertaken with village volunteers who will monitor their respective No-Take areas on a more frequent basis.

 United States Coral Reef Task Force

The American Samoa Local Action Strategies (LAS) are the result of a nearly two-year process that saw input from territorial agencies, non-profit groups, interested individuals, and other stake-holders such as local fishers, and federal agency partners. This process was initiated through the American

 European Commission

In recent years, the European Commission has continuously developed the tool of cost-benefit analysis to better inform decision-makers in the process of settling on new directives and regulations concerning the environment. However, according to the Terms of Reference of this assignment "most studies in
the field of waste have been restricted to an analysis of costs and, at best, a relatively superficial description of benefits".

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 88 p.

 European Communities

What is biodiversity? Biodiversity has different meanings depending on the situation being discussed and the target audience. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary defines biodiversity as being "The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat". This is definition is clearly sufficient for non-specialists. However, when looking more specifically at biodiversity, it becomes evident that thought needs to be given to other groups such as fungi, bacteria and archea.

 Government of Samoa,  European Union

The review of the institutional arrangements that govern water resources management in Samoa provides a snapshot of the current challenges faced and recommendations and action points to address these challenges. To carry out the review, a five stage approach was adopted that consisted of (1) Literature Review, (2) Institutional Inventory and Key Stakeholder consultations, (3) Gap Analysis, (4) Recommendations and Action Points, (5) Workshop on Findings.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 50 p.


If current trends continue, leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles will probably go extinct in the Pacific in our lifetime. Eastern Racific hawksbills are likely past the point of
no return, while green turtles and olive Ridleys are at a fraction of their former populations. The turtle decline is clear evidence that human activities are causing loss of biodiversity on our planet. If we choose to save Pacific


The objective of the evaluation is to provide the GEF Council with an assessment of how the GEF is implemented in Samoa. It reports on results from projects and assesses how these
projects are linked to national environmental and sustainable development strategies as well as the GEF mandate of generating global environmental benefits within its focal areas.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 7 Pages

 National Oceania and Atmospheric Administration

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 (MSRA) includes a requirement to establish the "Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology


1. A defining feature of the Pacific is the Western Pacific Warm Pool ecosystem. The limited land base of the area is distributed among 200 high islands and 2,500 low islands and atolls. All
participating islands lie in the tropical zone and experience sea surface temperatures that rarely fall below 20 degrees Celsius. In general, the islands increase in size from east to west such that over 83% of the region's land mass is situated in Papua New Guinea, and most of the rest is in the other Melanesian countries and territories.

Available online

 Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment,  Division of Environment & Conservation

The Palolo Deep Marine Reserve known for its unique shape, the “deep”, was established as a marine reserve in 1974 under the National Parks and Reserve Act. The reserve is a fringing reef comprising a total area of 137.5 hectares located at the northeast of Apia harbor. The proximity of the reserve to Apia town has attracted many tourists as well as local people to the reserve for recreational activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving as well as for researching

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 10 p.

 American Samoa Environment Protection Agency

The Territory of American Samoa lies roughly 14 degrees south of the equator between longitude 169 and 173 west and about 2,500 miles southwest of Hawaii. The principal islands are Tutuila, Aunu'u, and the Manu'a islands (a cluster of three islands, Ta'u, Ofu and Olosega, located about 65 miles east of Tutuila). Swains Island, a small island with a population of less than 25 and Rose Atoll, an uninhabited atoll about 120 miles east of Tutuila make up the remainder of the territory.

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The Africa Environment Information Network (AEIN) is a multi-stakeholder capacity building process that aims to harness and enhance access to information and knowledge to support the management of Africa’s environmental resources as assets for sustainable development. The goal is to strengthen the capacity of African countries to use good quality information on environmental assets to make informed investment choices at subnational and national levels, and manage these assets on a sustainable basis.

Available onine

Call Number: [EL]


This report provides the finding of the Environmental Impact Assessment conducted by Pacific Environment Consultants Ltd on behalf of Samoa Ports Authority for the proposed Aleipata Wharf Extension and Slipway. The EIA was conducted over the period of January to April 2008.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 61 p.

 Mahonia Nadari Research & Conservation Centre

Coral reefs are one of the Earth’s most complex and diverse ecosystems. Coral reefs have evolved over long periods of geological time in response to certain natural phenomena including tectonic movements, changes in climate and associated changes in sea level. The oldest known coral reef appeared more than 450 million years ago and by 150 million years before present, corals had diversified and spread globally throughout tropical shorelines

Availble online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 59 p.

 Wetlands International - Oceania

Streams and rivers on islands are considerably different to continental systems in that oceanic island systems are often subject to recurrent flash flooding and many fauna in continental systems are only distantly related to island fauna, rarely having an obligate marine larval phase of their life cycles. Several methods used in surveying continental systems are therefore only of limited applicability in island systems. The field procedures described herein are loosely adapted from those described in Parham, 2005 and Fitzsimons et.

 Ministry of Transport

Non-friable, corrugated, compressed asbestos-cement sheeting, derived from the NZ Aid refurbishment and renovations programme of schools and other Government buildings on Rarotonga

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 2 Pages

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

A team of consultants conducted a review of Pacific Regional Meteorological Services as commissioned by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) in November 2009. This was in response to a directive from Pacific Islands Forum Leaders. Over the period November 2009-April 2010, the team reviewed relevant documentation, consulted with SPREP member countries and other organisations, and considered feedback on a draft report before presenting its final report and recommendations.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]