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 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Aleipata area surveyed includes .the south-eastern coast of Upolu Island, Western Samoa. The survey consisted of general descriptive ecology and morphology for the Aleipata coastal fringing reef and the
fringing reefs of the two detached islands, Nu'utele and Nu'ulua. The area behind the coastal fringing reef to the shoreline was a shallow (<4 m deep) area of sand, rubble, seagrass beds and mixed coral

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Most South Pacific island countries are characterised by small land masses surrounded by vast stretches of ocean. As such the marine environment is an important resource base for
the people of these countries, with the livelihood of many people being closely connected with the sea. The potential for enhanced development and utilisation of
marine resources is considerable, particularly as the demand for resources increases and the land becomes limited in its capacity to fulfil this demand. It is therefore imperative that

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Twelve years ego the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 5-16 June 1972) adopted the Action Plan for the Human Environment, including the
General Principles for Assessment and Control of Marine Pollution. In the light of the results of the Stockholm Conference, the United Nations General Assembly decided

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The marine environment is an important resource base for the people of the South Pacific island countries. The livelihood of
many people in this region is closely connected with the sea. The potential for enhanced development and utilisation of
marine resources is considerable, particularly as the demand for resources increases and the land becomes limited in its capacity to fulfil
this demand. It is therefore imperative that appropriate measures are taken to safeguard the quality of the marine environment.

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 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Healthy coral reefs play a major role in the economies of coastal and island countries, providing fish and
other food for local people and visitors and recreation for tourists and SCUBA divers. Coral reefs form
natural breakwaters that protect the shore from erosion by waves and storms.

SLIC 2nd copy kept at VF 4356|Also available online

Call Number: 639.736 WEL,VF 4356

ISBN/ISSN: 982-04-0085-6

Physical Description: iii, 50 p. : ill. ; 21 cm

 Academy for Educational Development.

This manual was designed for those who make policy and design programs that affect people
and the environment. The staff of GreenCOM, the U.S. Agency for International Development's
Environmental Education and Communication Project, have arranged the following chapters
and case studies to share experiences, information, and models of working in education and communication.

Call Number: 333.7 BRI,EDU,370 BRI [EL]

Physical Description: 28 cm ;illustrations ;138 pages.

 South Pacific Commission

The Pacific Islands' biodiversity is unique. Over 50 per cent of the region's terrestrial plant species are found nowhere else on earth. The terrestrial animals include rich arrays of birds,
reptiles, land snails and insects. Its national and international waters include the world's most extensive and diverse reefs, the largest tuna fishery, the deepest oceanic trenches and
significant remaining populations of many globally threatened species including whales, turtles, dugongs and saltwater crocodiles.

Available online|Kept at Vertical File

 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

This booklet is a vehicle for sharing knowledge between the islands of the Pacific Community about the basic fishery management measures that have been used in different places for regulating particularly important or potentially vulnerable species. Regulations should not be transferred verbatim from one area to another unless their situations are known to be similar. This booklet is not intended to promote any particular management measure or approach, but indicates the range of measures that have been used.