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 Environment and Natural Resources Team of the Sustainable Development Office in USAID Africa Bureau

Knowledge is critical for sound natural resource man-
agement. All phases of NRM—planning, implementation, monitoring, and decision making—are knowledge intensive. In many cases, knowledge, more than financial resources, is key to getting rural development going. There are new methods and tools for knowledge management that can increase the effectiveness
and efficiency of NRM.

Call Number: VF 6547 (EL)

Physical Description: 36 p. ; 29 cm

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  GEF/UNEP

The Niue Village Councils Act is out dated and its effectiveness is affected by references to former offices and the previous colonial authority and administration. There are concerns about the means by which by-laws can be brought into force. Other aspects of this law mitigate against making use of it to
provide for the effective management of marine protected areas in villages.

1st page kept in vertical file collection but full e-copy can be accessed through "FL" field

Call Number: VF 6549 (EL)

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Specific attention is given to laws that facilitate community involvement. This is because the ToR note that "the principal focus of the IW Programme is community-based activities
associated with the conservation and preservation of freshwater, community-based waste management and the sustainable use of coastal resources". The village inspired by-laws under
the Fisheries Act are an illustration of this approach being adopted in another context. The Internal Affairs Act and the Village Fono Act both make relevant provision in this regard.

 International Waters Programme (IWP) Solomons / SPREP,  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The term "environment" in the Environment Act, (No 8 of 1998), is defined as "all natural and social systems and their constituent parts, and the interaction of their constituent
parts, including people, communities and economic, aesthetic, culture and social factors". Human activities impact its natural and social environment in many ways. Where the activity

 The Nature Conservancy

Generally little is known of traditional systems of terrestrial forest management in Micronesia. What little we do know suggests a complex approach that has been developed over thousands of

 Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Meteorology

What stands out to you as you commute, or explore our beautiful peaceful Samoan island paradise which to many Europeans in years gone by meant Utopia? No, I am not referring to the hundreds of churches, some mock Baroque, and Gothic inspired, found throughout the isles. Instead, I have seen how tidy our people have become over the last decade or so. In this regard I salute and applaud them, well, especially those villages and urban communities which have embraced our Government's 'Keep Samoa Clean' awareness campaign.

E-copy available from "FL" field

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD of Tuvalu, the fourth-smallest country in the world, so much the better, because its nine square miles of diy land may soon disappear from sight like a polished stone chopped in the deep sea. And if that happens, it might be
unpleasant to consider that the basic amenities of our lifestyle-our cars and planes and power plants, our well-lighted, well-cooled and -heated homes-have brought about the
obliteration of an ancient, peaceful civilization halfway around the world.

E-copy available from "FL" field|Downloaded off the internet

 The University Press of Hawaii

The natural vegetation of the volcanic region of Savai'i. Western Samoa, as surveyed on an expedition in 1975. is described. The natural vegetation of the highlands consists of cloud forest and smaller amounts of lava- flow scrub, scrub and herbaceous vegetation of cinder and ash deposits, and montane meadows. All but the latter were sampled for species composition
and relative dominance of species. An annotated checklist of all flowering plant species collected or recorded on the expedition is included.

Available as an electronic copy at "FL" field

 University of the Hawaii Press

Based on field studies and a previous review of the literature, 22 plant communities are recognized in the two adjacent South Pacific archipelagoes of Samoa and Tonga. Because of similarities of climate and flora, most of the communities are similar in the two archipelagoes; the major differences result from the coralline nature of most of Tonga and the volcanic nature of Samoa. The communities are briefly described, the dominant species are listed, and the variation between the two archipelagoes is noted.

 Pacific-German Regional Forestry Project (PGRFP),  Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

As the importance of community participation is increasingly recognized in natural resource management and community development, participatory tools are increasingly utilized. With this, a vast pool of community information is collected and there is a need for agencies to make knowledgeable and accurate interpretations of this data.

Call Number: VF 6581 (EL)

Physical Description: 26 p. ; 29 cm

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

L'Oceanic et ses 22 pays1 et territoires2 presentent un large eventail de caracteristiques physiques, demographiques, Culturelles, economiques etpolitiques. Elle couvre 30 millions de kilometres canes, soit pies d'un sixieme de la surface de la terre. et est trois fois plus grande que les Etats-Unis ou la

 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Everyone in the world depends completely on Earth's ecosystems and the services they provide, such as food, water, disease management, climate regulation, spiritual fulfillment, and aesthetic enjoyment. Over the past 50 years, humans have changed these ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber, and fuel. This transformation of the planet has contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being and economic