167 results
 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Pacific Island region's coastal fisheries produce a little over 100,000 tonnes offish and seafood products per year. They are very significant in providing food, income and jobs for Pacific Islanders, and further contribute to Pacific Island economies through import substitution and generation of

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Domestic contributions dominate the relatively mi-industrialized Pacific Region. Domestic wastewater disposal (or sewerage) and disposal of domestic solid waste remain critical issues for the region. In most areas the current management of these results is not sufficient to prevent deleterious effects on public

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Most of the homes are built with imported timber and concrete with roofs made out of corrugated tin. Most of the homes are of basic design with an average 2.2 rooms. Majority of the
homes surveyed appeared to be in very poor condition. About half the households have common household appliances, such as fans, refrigerators, kerosene stoves and radios, but it is not
indicative of affluence. Many still continue to cook outdoors using fire pits and wash clothes in basins.

IWP-Pacific Technical Report (International Waters Project) no.15

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The framework for management of the ocean and coasts of the Pacific Islands region has been evolving since the early 1970s when Pacific Island countries played a significant role in the

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The IW is one of the four focal areas of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF was created in 1994 to provide funding for programs and projects to achieve global environment benefits in four focal areas: biodiversity, climate change, international waters, and ozone layer depletion, as well as land degradation as it relates to these focal areas.

Available online

Call Number: 333.714 COO [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 982-04-0274-3

Physical Description: 55 p. ; 29 cm

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The watersheds of the Cook Islands provide residents and visitors with a wide range of environmental services such as drinking water supplies, natural filtration of freshwater runoff, recreational opportunities and scenery. While important, the value of these services is not readily apparent in economic terms. This means they can easily be overlooked in decision
making and policy formulation. There is a pressing need to better understand the economic value of the nation's watersheds to raise awareness and inform investment and regulatory

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The International Waters Project (IWP) aims to strengthen the management and conservation of marine, coastal and freshwater resources in the Pacific Islands region. It is financed through
the International Waters Programme of the Global Environment Facility, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, and executed by the Secretariat of the Pacific
Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), in conjunction with the governments of the 14 participating independent Pacific Island countries.

Available online

Call Number: 363.728 LEN (EL)

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This is a report on research conducted by the author under the auspices of research funding provided by The University of Adelaide and the International Waters Project (IWP)1 of the
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP). The focus of the research project has been to examine how existing arrangements of and approaches to governance affect the management of coastal resources and environments in three South Pacific countries: Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. It is not a comparative study.

Available electronically

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The International Waters Project (IWP)1 is a 7-year, USD 12 million initiative concerned with management and conservation of marine, coastal and freshwater resources in the Pacific islands region, and is specifically intended to address the root causes of environmental degradation related to trans-boundary issues in the Pacific. The project includes two components: an integrated coastal and watershed management component, and an oceanic

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

During a review of the priority environmental concerns in Vanuatu (Tapisue et al. 2003) sustainable coastal fisheries were highlighted as an area for action under the IWP. IWP Vanuatu, in close consultation with the National Task Force, screened a number of potential communities to host the IWP pilot project. Coastal resource management has increasingly become a priority in many communities, but is sometimes hampered due to the
lack of cooperation within and among communities, often as a result of land boundary and village leadership disputes (Johannes and Hickey 2004)..

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Before making a commitment to a given area, programs such as IWP must collect information on local institutions, community history, social and political structures, livelihood strategies
and opportunities for. and constraints to achieving program activities. This information provides insights that can help in dealing with specific local issues and in identifying key
issues, as well as factors for improved management of marine resources.

Available electronically

Call Number: 333.784 4 KIN (EL)

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0355-0

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

An ecological baseline survey of the Amal/Crab Bay Tabu Eria (AKTE) was performed between November 2004 and May 2005. Resources were surveyed with the assistance of Community Facilitators (CFs), and under the direction of the AKTE Management Committee (MC); surveyed resources included land crabs, terrestrial flora, mangroves, avifauna,mammals, finfish, shellfish, turtles and dugongs. Available literature regarding these resources and their distrubution within Vanuatu was reviewed and summarised, and traditional and local knowledge documented, including vernacular names for resources.

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

One of the most critical factors influencing the success of the IWP pilot projects has been the choice of sites. Communities that choose to be involved in the project were committed to the

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The development and sustainable management of Nukunono's resources requires active involvement from all sectors of the community. Meetings were held with all stakeholder groups to document their concerns and perceptions of atoll resources and
current and historic resource use. These were further supplemented by semi-structured interviews conducted at random with individuals from all community groups to obtain more details perceptions on the status and use of resources and also
on management systems and their success or otherwise.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This book is primarily targeted at solid waste officers in Pacific island countries who may have little background in engineering and construction. The objective of this guide is to help those users understand the concept of a landfill and its operation. It also demonstrates ways to upgrade/improve an existing facility in an economical and effective way that suits most landfills in the Pacific island countries. This book focuses on inland-based waste disposal and does not include landfilling at coastlines, lagoons or wetlands where a different method needs to be developed and applied.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This report was prepared for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The report reviews the state of the environment and development in the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) and the constraints and opportunities for sustainable development, in preparing this report, the RMI has used the term sustainable development to mean maintenance of

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Pacific islands are extremely vulnerable to climate change. Pacific island culture, traditions, economy and environment will be affected by the effects of climate change, marking an urgent
call for partnerships and collaboration to increase the resilience of communities to adapt to these changes.

Available online

Call Number: VF 6900 [EL]

Physical Description: 10 Pages

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This disposal project is the second stage (Phase II) of an AusAID-fiuided project developed in conjunction with South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to manage persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The Phase I project, which was implemented between April 1997 and April 2000. involved an inventory of hazardous chemicals, and a discussion of management options for obsolete chemicals and containers, in the PICs. Although many obsolete agricultural and other chemicals can be disposed of safely locally, others cannot.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

To accommodate for nesting activity in the future, a human impact assessment of suitable beaches is advised to determine if human habitat alterations have influenced nest-site selection or micro-environments within nest chamber.

Available online

Call Number: [EL],597.92 962 3 COO

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0676-6,978-982-04-0677-3

Physical Description: 27 p. 29 cm

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This booklet is part of the Wakatu Fiji campaign which was launched to encourage and empower people to better care for the land and sea that has taken care of us.

flipchart| available online

Call Number: VF 8358 [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0892-0,978-982-04-0891-3

Physical Description: 24 p. 29 cm