83672 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Pipe detection surveys and creation of a water utility GIS, Niue

 Pacific Data Hub

An integrated approach to rainwater-harvesting analysis using GIS and recommendations for roof-catchment legislation in Tuvalu

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC water and sanitation, December 2000, volume 3, issue 2

 Pacific Data Hub

Review of the Rotuma water supply and distribution system, Fiji Islands, February 2001

 Pacific Data Hub

Workshop on hydraulic network modelling with waterCAD; 16-20 October 2000

 Pacific Data Hub

Course on basic hydraulics for the Vanuatu rural water supply, 3-28 April 2000, 16 April-10 May 2001

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary of SOPAC water demand management and conservation activities in the Pacific region, September 2001

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of Palau Technical Mission Report: Coastal impacts and vulnerability report, Melekeok State, Babeldaob

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on energy audit, Aitutaki island power supply, Aitutaki - Cook Islands, 16-17 June 2000

 Pacific Data Hub

Sub-regional workshop on MDG-based planning, costing and budgeting for the Polynesian Countries, Edge Water Resort, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 26-29 May 2008

 Pacific Data Hub

Sub regional workshop on MDG-Based planning/side meetings Edge Water, Cook Islands, 26-29 May 2008

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the SPF diesel maintenance and training workshop, Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan, 17-24th July, 2000

 Pacific Data Hub

Solar water heaters

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on energy audit, Aitutaki island power supply, Aitutaki - Cook Islands, 16-17 June 2000

 Pacific Data Hub

A regional view towards sustainable renewable energy development in the Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Meeting report and country mission report - Samoa, 12-15 October 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Pilot-phase, joint implementation projects in the Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Mini workshop on solar hot water system monitoring workshop, 1 April 1998

 Pacific Data Hub

Workshop report; SPC-SOPAC Joint regional energy program design, 20-24 July 1998, Nadi, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary report on the Ba river delta data review, December 1988