83672 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Damage and Loss (PDaLo) : workshop report

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - revised land cover type mapping utilising pan-sharpened quickbird image data, christmas Island, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical Note - Land cover type mapping utilising GeoEye image data, enderbury Island, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Statistical summary : Hydrometeorological disasters in the Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Promotional Leaflet – Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring Project (SPSLCMP) data help Pacific Island Countries develop their maritime boundaries

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals (DSM) Project – Proceedings of the Kiribati National Stakeholder Consultation on Deep Sea Minerals Workshop, Mary’s Motel, Tarawa, Kiribati, 15-21 September 2011 (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals (DSM) Project – Proceedings of the Tonga National Deep Sea Minerals Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, Moulton Hall, Nuku’alofa, Tonga, 1-3 February 2012 (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

CPS Division Géosciences et Technologies Appliquées (SOPAC) Plan Strategique 2011-2015

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – national action plan (NAP) for disaster rism management, Samoa, 6-12 December 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – attendance at the sixth Caribbean conference on comprehensive disaster management, Trinidad, December 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Snapshot 72, Disaster Reduction Programme, October 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Snapshot 68, Disaster Reduction Programme, April 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Bathymetry of the Northern Tongatapu-Eua Platform, Tonga, April 2011 (accompanies PR22 – Multibeam bathymetric survey of the Northern Shelf of Tongatapu Eua Platform, Tonga)

 Pacific Data Hub

Snapshot 73, Disaster Reduction Programme, November 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – support for the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management, New Zealand, 1-5 August 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Snapshot 65, Disaster Reduction Programme, January 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC_2013_PDaLo_factsheet. Pacific Damage and Loss (PDalo) Factsheet

 Pacific Data Hub

This report describes a high-resolution bathymetric mapping survey of the seabed surrounding the island of Efate in Vanuatu, by the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission
(SOPAC). The survey was carried out over a period of 25
days in August 2003, resulting in the acquisition of over 600 line kilometres of MBES data.
The resultant compilation was used to produce
bathymetry charts of Efate at scales of 1 : 100 000 and 1 : 50 000, with more detailed charts of
Mele Bay, Forari Bay and Havannah Bay at 1 : 20 000.

 Pacific Data Hub

A collection of the 1969 Historical Aerial Photographs of Kiribati, Nikunau Island. All 39 Photographs have not been rectified but uploaded individually and referenced according to their frame numbers. Images have also been mosaicked using the Hypercube software for preview purpose only.