GIS data within the Proposed Protected Areas collated by the Biorap Team
Announce for the Ridge to Reef Consultancy
The report from the GIS conference that the SPREP GIS team participated in from 25 to 29 November
this waste audit was conducted in March 2025
The waste audit was for the waste-to-energy data in the Solomon Islands.
Using a series of adaptive remote sensing monitoring technologies for the Pacific region, this report focuses on analyzing the urbanization process, coastal changes, and mangrove dynamics of all Pacific island states since 2000, revealing overall trends in urban expansion, coastal erosion, and mangrove increase, and highlights case studies from multiple typical regions in various countries.
waste audit in Colleges/ High Schools in Savaii
Committing to Sustainable Waste Actions in the Pacific” (SWAP) Project aims to improve environmental, social, and
economic conditions in Pacific Island countries and territories through proper waste management. Funded by the
Agence française de développement (AFD), this work stemmed from an awareness of the increased pressure from
development and population growth, and the impact of increasing and changing waste streams for Pacific Island
Countries and Territories (PICTs).
Plastic waste audit in Colleges (Savaii)
An Act to give effect to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and for related purposes
Annual consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS). ODS consumption is measured units of ODS tonnes, which is the amount of ODS consumed, multiplied by their respective ozone depleting potential value.
A list of tables and graphs providing a summary of CO2, GHG emissions.