11694 results

Under the International Waters Project (IWP) in Tuvalu, a pilot project was established to address
“waste” with the aim of reducing the contamination of groundwater and coastal water by human
and animal waste.
Community-based activities included “low-tech” solutions to addressing environmental
degradation while national level activities involved activities with a more strategic institutional
focus. A Communications and Sanitation Training Programme was designed to investigate the

The Tuvalu Integrated Waste Policy and Action Plan 2017 – 2026 was endorsed by the Government in 2016 as the main national policy framework to guide the management of waste in Tuvalu. It sets down the Long-term Vision of having “A Cleaner and Healthier Tuvalu for today and future generations”

Interviews conducted on commercial premises where waste was also collected.
• Date: date of the interview
• Premises_ID: unique premises identifier
• Premises_Type: type of premises
• additional_comments_photos/extra_comments: miscellaneous comments
• country: country of audits
• Who_collects_the_rubbish
• Collection_period: how often waste is collected
• Collection_rating: satisfaction with collection service, 1-5 scale
• Waste_disposal_general: how general waste is disposed of

Household interviews conducted at houses where waste was collected.

Big file containing high level audit data, detailed sort of drink containers and interview data.

Long form dataset containing data from APWC high level waste sorts and detailed container sort. See the "Pivot Table" sheet for a summary of the data contained here.
Note that average values will not work for the pivot table, as each category has a number of subcategories which messes up the calculation of averages.

Analysis of waste generation and disposal data collected in September 2019

Link to download a zip file containing OSM spatial files, a QGIS project, styles, license file and documentation on how to get started.

This dataset contains mapped point locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas polygon locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

This dataset contains mapped point locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas polygon locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

This dataset contains mapped polygon locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas point locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

This dataset contains mapped polygon locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas point locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

The WDPA User Manual provides information and guidance about the data held within the WDPA, including its history, how it is collected, managed and distributed, and how it should be interpreted and used for analyses and research. The Manual has been prepared for WDPA data providers and users. It is structured in 4 sections and includes 6 appendices.

The Protected Areas Working Group (PAWG) of the Pacific Islands Round Table for Nature Conservation recommended a forum to better connect a diverse range of people and their work relating to protected and conserved areas. To increase efficacy with respect to gaining momentum with communications and conservation work, the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal (PIPAP) was launched.

Map of the protected areas for Tuvalu with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Tuvalu with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Resource contains raster files for a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and derived hillshade for Tuvalu.

The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator).

This resource contains satellite imagery for Tuvalu. The imagery was collected on July 20, 2020, September 21, 2020, and October 11, 2020.

More specially, this resource contains a raster file of RGB imagery at 10-meter resolution, using Level-2A products when available. Level-2A products include atmospheric correction and represent bottom of atmosphere reflectance values in the images. When Level-2A products were not available, Level-1C (top of atmosphere) products were used.

This was as part of the BRCC, Building Resilience to
Climate Change in PNG, ADB funded program on
Food Security. This work took us to the rarely
visited preselected islands of the Luzancays; Kawa
and Konia, the villages of Keileuna Island and Lalela
village of Kitava Island. As getting to these places is
a full days dinghy travel from Alotau on an open 23’
fibreglass banana boat with a 40HP engine hanging
off the back, the calmer the weather the better.

The 2020 State of Environment Report is the first for Papua
New Guinea. It uses the Drivers, Pressures, State, Impact
and Response (DPSIR) model of reporting, and aims to:
• Identify the key drivers and pressures behind the
changing environment in PNG;
• Identify and document PNG’s environmental conditions
through the best available information for eight key
thematic areas: Atmosphere and Climate, Inland Waters,
Land, Marine, Biodiversity, Culture and Heritage, and
Built Environment;
• Document the social, economic and environmental