51 results


This map shows the locations of dredged sites (active and inactive) around Pohnpei shoreline as of July 6, 2020. Map was developed by MCT and CSP.

This map shows locations of dredged sites around Pohnpei shoreline as of October 15, 2020, by MCT and CSP (Mr. Bejay Obispo). Within 4 months (from July to October), 6 new dredging sites were added from the July 6 dredged map.

Rarotonga’s wetlands, with in-fill areas of wetlands, and other types of land-use. (SPREP, 2015; Data source NES)

Figure 95: Rarotonga’s wetlands near Avarua. (SPREP, 2015, Data source NES)

Old black and white photograph of people fishing at Buada Lagoon

The map shows the different landcover classes in Nauru Island.

The map shows the different landuse classes in Nauru Island.

Map of protected areas within RMI produced by MIMRA.

Overall progress in management effectiveness for protected areas in PNG (refer to page 10)

Map of observations of marine plastic pollution dumping from purse seine operations in the Marshall Islands.  

Map of number of invasive species per atoll within the Marshall Islands exclusive economic zone.

Map of number of endemic species per atoll within the Marshall Islands exclusive economic zone.

Produced by the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority

Map of Ramsar Wetlands in the Marshall Islands that depicts locations within the exclusive economic zone.

Map of the Nauru Island Key Biodiversity Areas.

Locality of Nauru Island hydrology feature - Buada Lagoon.