19236 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Irrespective of which part of the world one lives in, the environment now figures highly on most national agendas, be they economic, political or social, and among the many environmental
issues, one dominates. Global climate change hangs over all of us like the sword of Damocles, alarming because of the enormous scale of the phenomenon, our inability to delineate its exact
configuration, and our apparent incapacity to check its course.

Cook Islands holds 551.6

Call Number: 551.699612 NUN [EL],551.6

ISBN/ISSN: 9820400295

 Kingdom of Tonga. Climate Change Enabling Authority

The climate of Tonga is tropical. It lies within the southeast trade wind zone of the South Pacific. Climatic parameters include rainfall, temperture. wind and sunshine hours. Tonga's annual rainfall can be defined by two seasons, the wet and dry seasons. Wet season is also known as the cyclone season and it is noticeable from November to April. Dry season runs from May to October. The wettest months are particularly January. February and March that may exceed 250mm of rainfall per month. During dry season, the amount of rainfall received per month is less than 250mm.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This Review of Environmental Law in the Kingdom of Tonga has been implemented as an important component of the Regional Environment Technical Assistance (RETA) Project. The RETA project has been developed to address environmental issues in a
number of Pacific countries. It has been funded by the Asian Development Bank and carried out with technical assistance from IUCN - the World Conservation Union. The RETA project is an important regional initiative, which reflects the need for careful management of the Pacific environment.

2 copies

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Kingdom of Tonga has previously indicated to SPREP that specialised short term training in reef ecology and the development of coral reef survey and monitoring skills is a priority for their country (Thistlethwaite et al. 1993, SPREP 1995, SPREP 1996). In recognition of the ongoing need for regional capacity building in coral reef survey and monitoring techniques, and to accommodate the particular requests of the Kingdom of Tonga. SPREP sought and received funding from AusAID to run a sub-regional course in Vava'u. Kingdom of Tonga.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This report reviews the past and present status of natural resources and their uses and indicates what trends are occurring to determine future resource uses and impacts of uses. It suggests possible priorities for incorporation into the FSM
Nationwide Environmental Management Strategy Optimal socio-economic development in the Federated States of Micronesia requires a long-term, inter-generational perspective on management of the limited but valuable natural
resources and the environment.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The report suggests that bodies such as the World Conservation Union, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Asian Development Bank, the Global Environment Facility and some of the relevant non-government organisations operating In the Pacific region have roles, or further roles, to play in delivering environmental law services in the Pacific region. The
coordinating role of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme in the provision of these services is seen as crucial, in terms of consistency and cost-effectiveness. Specific actions

 South Pacific Commission

The last remaining Kingdom in the South Pacific, Tonga has a total land
area of 674 square kilometers spread over a sea area of approximately
259,360 square kilometers. There are 3 major island groups with a total of
171 islands, 37 of them occupied. Thre

Kept in the Vertical File|See also French version VF 1302

Call Number: VF 1301 [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p. ; 29 cm.

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

Many societies have rules rooted in legal tradition that require the sustainable and efficient use of natural resources. The obligation of stewardship is a feature of
westernised legal systems. In nations following the common law tradition, the doctrine of waste requires owners of land to use it sustainably. Elsewhere, customary law systems
demand strict rules governing the allocation and use of resources. There is, therefore, an existing legal culture into which our generation's obligations towards the world's
resources can be set.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This report presents the results of a strategic environmental assessment of the development projects that have been proposed for the town of Neiafu, on the island of 'Uta Vava'u, Tonga, as part of the Vava'u Development Programme. The various project proposals have been described in the Neiafu Master Plan, accordingly, no details of the individual proposals are given in this assessment.

Available online|See also VF 1689|Prepared for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Tonga|3 copies

Call Number: 333.7109612 ONO [EL],VF 1689,341.762 SPR vf,STR

 Center for UN Education Reform

This book aims to make a contribution to the understanding of the current system of global environmental governance, its
strengths and weaknesses, and the options and opportunities to achieve much needed reform.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 90+ p.

 Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS)

This report provides an overview of the current state of knowledge of cetacean diversity, habitat and threats in the Pacifi c Islands Region.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The biodiversity of the Pacific region is recognised as being globally significant. The Solomon Islands was recently included into the famous "Coral Triangle", the area of ocean considered to have the highest marine biodiversity in the world. This includes the waters of the Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The Solomon Islands Rainforest Ecoregion is recognised as "one of the world's great Centres of Plant Diversity"

 Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry

The Kingdom of Tonga requested assistance from the US Department of Agriculture. Forest Service,Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, to conduct a survey of invasive plant species of
environmental concern, similar to surveys previously conducted in Micronesia. American Samoa and Niue. The survey was carried out from 5-20 July 2001. The islands of Tongatapu. ‘Eua,

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Tonga has made "good and steady progress" towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as reported in Tonga 1st National Status Report: Millennium Development Goals Today and Tomorrow and summarised .

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

Water resources are finite and fragile, and yet they are under increasing pressure from population growth, urbanisation, economic development and other forces. This is especially true even in the small islands of the Pacific. Different uses of water are interlinked and interdependent. It is important therefore to take a holistic approach to the management of water resources. These are the underlying principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Available online|Draft version 3.0

Call Number: [EL]

 Smithsonian Institution

During the period February 13 to 20, 1973, a visit was made to Canton Island for the purpose of conducting a preliminary survey of marine turtle nesting populations. Although previous investigators have described the sea birds (Buddle, 1938; Murphy G., 1954), insects (Van Zwaluwenburg, 1943, 1955), and vegetation (Hatheway, 1955), very little is known about the marine environment of Canton or the other seven atolls (Enderbury, Birnie, Phoenix, Sydney, Hull, Gardner and McKean) which comprise the Phoenix group.

 Environment Consultants

Maninita, the southernmost island of the Vava'u group is an important seabird nesting site and a proposed national protected area as originally identified by the Government of Tonga's Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources. The Tonga NZODA Nature Tourism Programme has responded to this and the increasing interest in the island from Vava'u's tourism sector by including a Maninita initiative as a component of its overall programme.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 29 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  IFAW

The Pacific Islands region is important for a great number of cetaceans (whales and dolphins), whether as a permanent habitat, a breeding ground or a migration corridor. Currently, more
than thirty species of whales and dolphins have been identified in this area.
The presence and diversity of cetaceans in our region has led to the development of whale watching, both on a commercial and recreational basis. Whale watching is defined as viewing

 United Nations

This publication demonstrates the link between disaster riskreduction andclimate change adaptation, while contributing to the ongoing glolal effort to promote gender equality in socio-economic development.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 87 p.

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

The evaluation of management effectiveness is generally achieved by the assessment of series of criteria (represented by carefully selected indicators) against agreed objectives or standards. The following definitions refer specifically to the context of protected area management effectiveness.

Call Number: 363.78 HOC [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-2-8317-0939-0

Physical Description: xv, 105 p. ; 29 cm