83205 results

A direct internet link to easily access more ODS related data for Tuvalu on the UNEP Ozone Secretariat website

Information on the link are related to;

1. Management System in place for major fisheries
2. Existing list of Tuvalu Fisheries legislation
3. Structure of National and sub-national fisheries institutions

According to the U.N. FAO, 33.3% or about 1,000 ha of Tuvalu is forested. Tuvalu's forests contain - million metric tons of carbon in living forest biomass.

a mapping representation of active and passive continental margins, oceanic plate boundaries and mid ocean spreading ridges

Click to access a story on Tuvalu's Environmental issues.

A timeline of events, highlighting Tuvalu's participation in the UN since it became a member,

The web-page has navigation tools for the user to efficiently explore and discover different marine life information for Tuvalu

The online database has a navigation tool to efficiently explore fish information for Tuvalu.

Link to download a zip file containing OSM spatial files, a QGIS project, styles, license file and documentation on how to get started.

This dataset contains mapped point locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas polygon locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

This dataset contains mapped point locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas polygon locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

This dataset contains mapped polygon locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas point locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

This dataset contains mapped polygon locations for protected areas within Tuvalu. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas point locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Tuvalu.

The WDPA User Manual provides information and guidance about the data held within the WDPA, including its history, how it is collected, managed and distributed, and how it should be interpreted and used for analyses and research. The Manual has been prepared for WDPA data providers and users. It is structured in 4 sections and includes 6 appendices.

The Protected Areas Working Group (PAWG) of the Pacific Islands Round Table for Nature Conservation recommended a forum to better connect a diverse range of people and their work relating to protected and conserved areas. To increase efficacy with respect to gaining momentum with communications and conservation work, the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal (PIPAP) was launched.

This resource contains satellite imagery for Tuvalu. The imagery was collected on July 20, 2020, September 21, 2020, and October 11, 2020.

More specially, this resource contains a raster file of RGB imagery at 10-meter resolution, using Level-2A products when available. Level-2A products include atmospheric correction and represent bottom of atmosphere reflectance values in the images. When Level-2A products were not available, Level-1C (top of atmosphere) products were used.

An internet direct link to an article relating to the celebration of the International Ozone Day in Port Vila

direct link to Vanuatu's data on the GBIF website

direct link to all species occurrences in Vanuatu on the GBIF records

Dataset that provides a direct internet link to Vanuatu's climate change data portal.